Secret boss of Darksiders: Genesis — How to Get to Trickster
During the passage of Darksiders: Genesis, exploring the Abyss, you can notice the Trickster door with several stones. Below we will tell you how to open it.
During the passage of Darksiders: Genesis, exploring the Abyss, you can notice the Trickster door with several stones. Below we will tell you how to open it.
To increase the scale of Health and Wrath, you must collect the corresponding fragments of Strife and War. Every three fragments give a full sphere and lead to the strengthening of the hero. Below you will find out where to look for them.
Hold down the left or right key to get the main character to his feet. Stand on the highlighted area and hold ALT.
Three major fractions dominate in the Phoenix Point world. And you yourself can decide how to interact with each of them, what benefits to receive.
The fact is that many research projects will be blocked until you find a suitable sample of the virus and prepare it for analysis.
Phoenix Point is a turn-based tactical game by the XCOM series. Below you will learn how to recruit new soldiers for your organization.
Read the walkthrough Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem.
A detailed walkthrough of the survival Fear the Dark Unknown horror inspired by Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark.
We tell you how to find all the seeds for the terrarium on the “Mantis”. In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, you can find many collectible items, including boxes, echoes, essences, and stim containers. You can use BD-1. As soon as the droid jumps off Cal’s shoulder, just follow him.
We tell you how to get to the two secret levels of the game and unlock the secret achievements.