
Прохождение Клуб Романтики

Клуб Романтики — увлекательная визуальная новелла для мобильных устройств на Android и iOS, популярная среди девушек от 14 и выше лет. Игра состоит из множества историй, каждая из которых создаётся разными авторами.

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Walkthrough Supraland Six Inches Under – Game Guide

Walkthrough Supraland Six Inches Under

Walkthrough Supraland Six Inches Under

Open the door by turning the valve. Move forward to the platform where the rocket launch will take place. When control returns to you, unscrew the broken blue valve. Go a little to the left of it, to several buildings. There will be a chest in one building. When you open it, you will find an improvement that the astronaut will take. There is a red valve in the building on the left. Take it and bring it to the pipe. Turn the valve after installation. When the cut-scene ends, jump into the sewers, into the green pipe.

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Walkthrough Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel – Game Guide

Walkthrough Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel - Game Guide

At the beginning of the game you will find yourself in room 610. Look around. one door is locked and you can examine its keyhole. The hero will simply pull on the other door. There is a metal contraption, a note, and a pocket watch on the table. Use the latest on your wall clock to save your progress. If you unfold the metal contraption, you can find the code – 293. Use it on the case lying on the floor to get the key. In the large cabinet, in the left compartment, there is a backpack permanently adding 1 inventory slot. There is also a safe, but the code is still unknown. Use the key to open the door to the left of the bed.

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