After the introductory video, go left and interact with the door with the letter S. Then follow the right and, as shown on the wall, bounce twice to charge the platform. It will go down. Interact with your phone. There is a door with the letter M a little further. You can also activate a light bulb.
SECRET. There will be two doors a little further with the letters I / E and L. Thus, there is a door S at the top, below – M, I / E and L. You can activate them in such a sequence as to get the word SMILE. In this case, you will see a ghost peering out from behind the door.

Go down even further, go right and look at the portrait of Dr. Smile hanging on the wall. Go a little further and interact with the button below to see the screen saver.
There is a piano next to you. But you can’t do anything with it. Ignore the instrument and leave the house instead. You will find yourself in Redwind Village. Move to the right and examine each door. Chat with all the characters, then you enter the Redwing Barbershop and you will see a prompt on the mirror – CGCGB. Talk to Preston to learn about the Spiderian Sewer. Return to the piano and play the CGCGB melody (press the same keys on the keyboard). A secret door will open, there is a chest inside. Open it to get a Slugger. Now you can attack someone by clicking LMB.

Go outside and again move to the right, to the very end, until you hit the boxes. Smash them with a Slugger and go to the Redwind Field. Chat with the Bird and use the bat to free it from the cage. Continue to the right (along the way you will find a Heart Fizzle; for collecting 100 of these, the game will reward you with an extra heart) and chat with Gomboyssa. She will say that he saw Wren dragged into a spider manifold. She will also mention the magnetic gloves that Wren made for Pete. Having said that, there is another couple gloves in her house.

Go to the right, smash the box to get a coma card of Gomboyssa. Now you can put the bandage on your head. Follow to the right and talk to Simeon, stuck in a hole. He asks to find the needle that the spiders stole. They dragged her to a tree. Continue to the right until you reach a tree with which you can interact. So do it. The bird will fly up and pick up the needle hanging on the tree. On the way you need to kill spiders. Do not get too close to them!
Spiderian Sewer
Go back left and use the needle to push Simeon out. Both of you will fall into a collector. The path is blocked by a wall. You need to kill all the enemies, after which it will be possible to proceed further. After doing this, go left, as the path to the right is blocked. Go to Preston’s lab and chat with him.
Examine the notes in the lab that talk about the Centipede. You will learn that it is blind, but the heartbeat becomes more frequent when there are smells of swamp mud, spider eggs and sand. Keep going left, down and right. Find Simeon and roll him to the left. You can jump on it to push off and get to higher platforms. For example, the first time you will need to jump onto a platform with a lever to the right of a pile of sand. It is not far from the Spider Legs, to the left. Jump on the platform to lower it. In this case, Simeon will not roll on the water, which means that sand, mud or spider eggs will not be washed off from it.

Roll Simeon to the left, to the elevator. Hit the lever. The elevator goes up. You will fly higher. Use this moment to climb into the corridor in the upper right. Having done this, you will find yourself in a narrow aisle. Kill the spider and go right. Pick up a Preston coma card, and then hit the lever on the ceiling in a jump. Due to this, the water located under the lever will decrease. Push Simeon to the right until he hits a pile of swamp mud. Continue to the right until the bus. Break the box on the bus to meet Brother Gomboyssa. Talk to him, go down to the lift and jump on it. When he will go down, turn left, into a narrow passage, and hit the lever at the end. So you open the bus.
Push Simeon through the bus. Move right. Lower the platform into the water. Kill many enemies and get to a dead end. Below there is a metal cube. Drive lower on the lift and get to the lever. Activate it to open the passage. Go back up and on the other lift, go down with Simeon. Roll it to the left, and then hit the lever to fly into the spider eggs on the ceiling (it will drip from them). So now you have all three smells. Roll Simeon to the left. This is the shortest way to the Centipede. You will awaken her.

How to Defeat the Centipede
You will need to defeat the monster! In fact, you just need to dodge in moments when she is trying to hit the ground. And then hit her while she is stunned. Each musical note that appears at the top of the screen is the life of the boss. When you receive all the notes, then the Centipede will die. Be careful with the usual spiders that the monster spits out! After winning, you hit the luminous sphere several times. You will learn another song – BCDAE.
Return to Wren’s house and play this tune on the piano. Open a new chest and take away the magnetic gloves. Now you can swing on orange balls.
Go right again until you find an abyss. Cling to the orange ball and jump to the other side to go to the cemetery. On the way, not far from the descent into the Spiderian Sewer, there is a pillar with orange balls. Jump up on them and break the jug in the jump. A coma card will drop out of it. And on the other side of the cliff, on the way to the cemetery, there will be a box with a star. Coma cards are hidden inside such boxes. In a specific is a coma map of Red Wind grass.