Chapter 3

As soon as control returns to you, go to the right and eliminate the goals. Move to the right, and where necessary, hide from enemies behind the columns. Especially, when groups will go through doors. Get out of the building through a broken window. Follow to the right until the lift descends. Hurry up to grab the ledges under the window. Jump to the other ledges to the right, climb further with the cable and return to the building. Neutralize the target; go through the door to the right.
Continue to the right and kill the enemies until you jump through the hole to the floor below. Get to the opening deep in the screen with which you can interact. In this way, get to the parking lot. Get on the truck on the right and go up one floor through a hole in the ceiling. Follow the left and climb up the cable. In the end, you will reach a room with a computer. Hack it.

Move right along the floor until you see another part of the comics. The hero will have a shotgun. Follow to the right and jump down. Soon you will need to shoot back from flying bombs. Go through the door in the background, destroy a few more bombs and use the elevator. You will need to quickly kill enemies. It is a difficult episode that will have to be repeated several times.
Destroy the bombs from above and jump down. Go to the very end and turn around the corner. In the end, you will reach the lever that will need to be pulled to open the grill. Enter the nearest elevator, get up and go through the open grate to the right. Follow the other side of the sewer to the new lift and drive up. Soon you will leave the technical rooms and return to the hall. Run to the right, kill enemies until an explosion occurs.
Chapter 4

At the beginning of the chapter, crack the door on the right by picking up the code. We had a password – 6237. Run to the right until you go through the door. Now you will control another hero. Follow the right and crack the door using the mobile terminal.

Install explosives on the servers on the right. Kill the enemies by controlling the girl and get to the elevator. Continue through the building and enter the new elevator. There will be a change of hero. Go right and take the elevator outside the door. Fight off the cops. In the end, you will need to run to the right, inside the building. When you get tired of shooting inside, run to the right and enter the elevator. Kill the cops (as girl) and go right. At the very end, set explosives. After the explosion, you can continue to move. Run to the right with a man and crack the terminal.

The walkthrough of the game is completed.