The Strange Store of Brian Fisher, the: Chapter 1 is the first of seven planned pieces for an adventure puzzle game in the genre of detective. In it, you control a character, thirty-eight-year-old policeman Brian Fisher, whose life changed dramatically twenty years ago when his father, an outstanding astrophysicist, disappeared.
Chapter 1
The game begins with an introductory video where Brian tells the background.
Brian is locked in a cell and does not remember how he ended up in it.
Find a Way to Escape from the Camera
Pick up a flashlight from the floor. Examine the lattice door locked on the lock. Remove the poster from the wall, find a safe behind it. In the corner of the cell you find an old newspaper on the floor. Select and read it.
PAY ATTENTION to the numbers indicated in the text and to the table (the arrangement of numbers in the table is random).
Turn the newspaper back side, read the hint. Write out combinations of numbers (constant):
- The first (“first”): 1 (“one of the dogs”) and 3 (“three meters”);
- Second: (“second hand”): 9 (“nine days”) and 4 (“four witnesses”);
- Third (“third party”): 6 (“after six o’clock”) and 6 (“before six o’clock”);
- Fourth (“fourth witness”): 4 (“closer to four”) and 9 (“nine in the evening”).
Look at the table posted on the first page of the newspaper. Compare pairs of numbers, look for the intersection of horizontal and vertical. We enter the received code; take out a key from the safe. Open the door for them, get out of the cage.
The goal is achieved.
Repair the Electricity in the House
Examine the basement, you find a locked electric shield.
Key for a guard
Go to the first floor. Open the cabinet in the corner, remove the key from the keypad (Fuse box). Get down, open the shield with the key.
Electrical circuit
Note. The puzzle is constant.
Inspect the wires and the chain.
PAY ATTENTION to a piece of a chess game attached to the inside of the door.
Go to the table on which there is a burning lamp. Take the chess, read the note attached to the back of the box: “Play only white from left to right.” Return to the shield.

Place the white badges on the terminals (bottom left to right): A1, C3, E2, F5, H4. We track the wires corresponding to the terminals at the top. Place the black badges (top left to right): C7, G5, F4, A8, E5.
The red light on the right lights up.
Click on the toggle switches on the right, apply voltage.
The goal is achieved.
Brian hears the voice of the man who abducted him from the speaker. The stranger demands to give up the development of his father.
The main goal of the game opens.
Find the four-digit Code for the Main door.
Note. You need to solve a number of related tasks (to achieve related goals). Since in the game the location of some items is set randomly, the following are examples of solutions.
Location of premises in the house:
- Basement -1st floor:
- Corridor with main door locked with a combination lock
- Canteen – 2nd floor:
- Corridor
- Bedroom
- Office
- Attic (used as a darkroom).
In addition to the main door, locked with a combination lock, the doors of the office on the second floor are also locked at the beginning of the game. The key to it is located under a metal ball with grooves (KRASPIT), the location of which is also random (look in the bedroom on the cabinet or on the nightstands or in the dining room).
Find and Solve a Box with Hieroglyphs
The Goal opens after a suitcase with a three-digit code is opened with a letter from Julia and the video cassette.
The suitcase can be located in different places: in the basement, on the bed or in the closet in the bedroom on the second floor, in the office, etc. A hint for the code is on the underside of the old radio, which stands on a cabinet in the hallway of the first floor.

The picture indicates that the code is the time shown by the clock hanging in the corridor (example). Open the suitcase, get a letter and a video cassette. The letter says about the glasses through which you need to view the image on the cassette. Their location is also random – in the bedside table in the bedroom on the third floor, on the shelf of the cabinet in the corridor of the third floor, in the cabinet in the kitchen, etc. You can watch the video cassette on the tape recorder in the dining room.

With the help of glasses, you can read the encoded message-hint for solving the puzzle with hieroglyphs. The hieroglyph box itself is on the wall in the bedroom.

In the left part you expose drawings of objects whose names were underlined in the tooltip, and in the right, you expose the symbols of the corresponding elements (constant puzzle).
Solve the puzzle, you get the number for the four-digit code.
Find the Projector and Make it Work
The projector itself lies in a box with the puzzle “Labyrinth.” The box can be located in any of the rooms.

To solve the puzzle, you must first build the maze by rotating the disks with its parts. After the labyrinth is built (there will be a characteristic click), you will need to draw a lever to the center of the labyrinth. Putting the lever in the center, open the box and get the projector.
The projector needs additional items:
- Tapes for the projector – you can find them in the closet in one of the rooms (in the dining room, in the office, etc.).
- Projector canvas – in the corner in the bedroom, on the closet in the bedroom, etc.
- Tripod – near the sofa in the dining room, under the table in the darkroom in the attic, etc.

The installation location of the projector can be seen in the active photo, one of the others hanging for drying in the attic. This place is located near the dining table in the dining room – there is an active zone in the form of three points on the floor. Having installed a tripod, you attach a projector to it. Place the canvas on the wall opposite. You charge the tape projector, use a flashlight as a light source.

Scroll through the frames, have time to notice the number flashing on the screen — this is the code for the main door.
Note. If you do not have time to notice the number, scroll through the pictures again.
Important. Take the flashlight from the projector.
Find hidden information in the computer
The target opens after you find the file with the login code in the file cabinet, which is next to the computer desk in the office. The file cabinet itself is closed. To open it, open the refrigerator in the kitchen, get ice. Take a pot from the sink, put the dishes on the stove. Turn the handle, light the fire.

Put ice in the pot and wait until it melts. Then you get the key to the File Cabinet.
Open the second box from the bottom, get the file. Remember username and password (set randomly) (thomas and * ErAFi).
From the shelf of the cabinet, take the “User Guide”, study the sequence of actions. Interact with the computer. Enter your nickname and password from the computer keyboard (example), enter the system. You sequentially enter the commands:
- List
- goto / system
- list
- copy /system/ / home / thomas
- goto home
- list
- goto / home / thomas
- list
- priv add execute
- list
- decrypt and enter the cryptocode written on the back of the file
You see the number – the number of the four-digit code.
Design a Blank Photo in the Studio
In the upper drawer of the filing cabinet in the office, find clean photo paper (the target opens). Study the manual for the production of photographs lying on a table in a darkroom in the attic.

Take out the cork in the bathroom, pour out the water and pick up the tray (basin). Examine the cabinets in the rooms (in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, etc.), find “Fenidom” and “Hydrogen”. Turn off the light in the attic, turn on the red lamp. Place the pallet on the table. First you pour it into “Fendom”, then – “Hydrogen”. Put clean photo paper in the solution.
Important. In the inventory must be present flashlight.
Move the paper in the tray left-right, consider the resulting photo (example). Mark the number on the button on which the fingerprint is clearly visible.
Find the Four-Digit Code for the Main Door
On the wall of the attic, you look at the emerging image – this is the sequence of numbers in the code (set randomly). Go to the door, enter the received code.