The world of Death Stranding is divided into three parts: East, Central and West parts of the USA. You can find a map of each of them.
You start the game in the east and follow the west. Open new lands and fill orders.
Map of the East Region
The East region is the very beginning of the journey. The map is quite small: to overcome the terrain from the north-east and get to the south-west, you will have to spend about 20 minutes of real time. Fields and rocky hills prevail here.

Map of the Central Region
In this region, you will stay on five episodes (from 3 to 8). To date, this area is the largest in the game. It is about four times larger than the map of the East region. To overcome the path from the northeast corner to the southwest, you will have to spend about 40 minutes of real time. As in the previous area, in the central part of the USA you can observe fields and snow-capped mountains.

West Region Map
The last region can be called the final locality, since here you have to complete your journeys and the last episode. It is the smallest map of all, since it makes up only a tenth of the East region.