Walkthrough Arsene Lupin: Once a Thief

Walkthrough Arsene Lupin: Once a Thief

Game guide: full walkthrough of all levels, description of investigations, solutions to riddles and puzzles.


Start a new game and you will find yourself in a bank. Your task is to outsmart the guards by skillfully building a chain of actions using cards:

The entrance is blocked by sharp spikes similar to razor blades. After jumping over the spikes, you will encounter aggressive dogs ready to attack you. However, the dogs are fast asleep. The guards are focused only on protecting the Faberge egg. The guards will no longer pose a threat, but be careful not to get hit by arrows with poisonous tips. It is best to activate the traps with these arrows, avoiding direct contact.

Take note of the precious necklace on the left. Carefully examine the stones on the front side and the sample on the back so that Lupin can steal the jewelry. Move to the right to the treasure chest. Take three precious stones and open the chest. Examine the vault door and interact with the two guards to get the code. Return to the vault door and select the option with the Faberge egg. Enter the code 2809.

Once in the vault, examine the cage door. You will need a key. Return to the main hall, scroll the mouse wheel and find the T-Rex skull on the wall. The key is hidden in its mouth. Examine the T-Rex’s eye, hover over the lower jaw and open it to get the golden key. Return to the cage, open the inventory with the RMB and select the golden key. Use it to open the cage. Right-click on the bottom of the Faberge egg and use the sandbag from the inventory.

Examine the egg and turn it so that you see a locked latch. Turn the inner part of the pattern once, then the large ring twice. After that, open the egg and take the black pearl.

Playing as Bernard

After the introductory scene, you will find yourself on the deck of the ship, controlling Bernard D’Andresi. First, talk to Rosen, the porter, then Major Rawson and Lady Gerland (to do this, rotate the camera with the mouse wheel). Next, interact with the stairs located on the right to eavesdrop on the conversation between the captain and the first mate. After that, your objective will be updated!

Go to the tea room next to Lady Gerland, then to the corridor and talk to Mademoiselle Nellie Underdown. To successfully pass the conversation test, choose the right questions (do not be too intrusive):

  • What brought you aboard the Provence?
  • Tell us about yourself.

After that, ask a question related to Arsène Lupin:

  • Wounded forearm.
  • Blonde hair.
  • Travels under a name starting with the letter “R”.

Now select Rosen. Go to his cabin, located to the right of where Underdown was standing. Carefully examine Rosen’s bed, pay attention to the comb and the stains on the pillow. Click the icon in the upper left corner of the screen to open the investigation of Louis Rosen. Connect the found objects: the comb and the blonde hair under Rosen. You will notice that the hair color on the comb and on Rosen’s head does not match! Close the journal and examine Rosen’s chair. Note the napkin, the pill bottle on the left, and the chemical dye in the bucket on the right. When you open the napkin, examine the lipstick marks and initials. Open the investigation journal again, then connect the chemical dye with the stained pillow, and the empty bottle with the injured arm. Next, connect the two conclusions – the hair color does not match and the paint stain on the pillow. Then connect the conclusions: “Master of Disguise” and “Attempt to heal the injury?”

Playing as the Inspector

Back in the corridor, eavesdrop on the conversation behind the door on the side, then go back to the tea room. Right-click on the mailbox and put the incriminating tape in there.

After loading, you will take control of Inspector Ganimar. First, go up the nearest stairs to the upper deck, where Captain Melville will be waiting for you. After the conversation, choose which cabin to start the inspection from and head to Rosen’s cabin. Read the note on the nearest pile – it says that he asked the crew to burn his old clothes. Pay attention to the table, click on the log and the Morse code reference book. Rotate the camera and examine the small safe built into the wall. Don’t forget to look at the slightly open ventilation, which is located to the left and above the safe.

After everything has been examined, the diary will automatically update. Combine the following clues:

  • Journal and Master Thief.
  • Master of Disguise and Staff Note.

Now return to the captain and select the journals and note to discuss them with him.

The next stop is Major Rawson’s cabin. Examine the items lying to the right of the inspector, then open the box and notice the empty medicine package. Move the camera to the left and open the bottom drawer of the cabinet to examine the used medicine. Then go to the windows and look at the fish weekly. On the table you will find Rawson’s diary, and on the side wall next to the safe – an open ventilation vent. After examining all the clues, combine the following:

  • Rawson’s diary and Manipulator.
  • Medicines and Damaged Arm.

If both cabins have been explored, you will be able to combine the clues “Open vent” from Rawson’s cabin and “Half-open ventilation grate” from Rosen’s cabin.

After that, talk to the captain, selecting the clues “Medicines” and “Rawson’s diary”. If you have fully explored both cabins, Lady Gerland will appear, informing you that her jewelry has been stolen by Arsène Lupin. You will have to investigate this theft.

First, examine the open safe in her cabin, then pay attention to the ventilation, from which a strange smell is coming. Next, examine the scraps of paper lying on the table, and talk to Lady Gerland herself. During the dialogue, ask her about the scraps you found. After that, carefully examine Gerland herself: click on her hands near the heart, on her eyes (avoiding eye contact) and on the blush on her cheeks. Press R to open the investigation and combine the clues “Lady Gerland is nervous” and “Scraps of paper”. Finally, turn the camera around and examine her cabin door, then you can go back out into the hallway to continue the investigation.

Go through the tea room and interrogate Mademoiselle Underdown, asking her all the necessary questions. After that, go out on deck and talk to Louis Rosen. To continue, go up the stairs on the right and talk to the captain. You already have information about the mate and the porter, which will play an important role in the further investigation. After talking to the captain, go a little further along the deck and enter the storeroom.

Here, it is worth paying attention to the porter, especially his white hair – this is an important detail. Examine the table on the right, on which traces are visible indicating a possible crime. Click on the place where the screwdriver is missing on the wall, and also examine the shoe print on the table and the open ventilation vent, through which someone may have escaped.

Talk to the porter and examine the purple stains on the floor. Also note the empty uniform bag hanging on the hangers next to it. After that, press the R key to open the investigation menu and connect the following clues:

  • “A pungent odor” and “Smell from the vent in Lady Gerland’s cabin”.
  • After connecting these clues, a new clue will appear – “The same smell”. Connect it with “Ventilation vent” to advance the investigation.
  • Then go down to the list of clues and connect “Lady Gerland left the cabin for dinner” and “Rosen missed the robbery” (these clues will be displayed under the icons of the corresponding characters).

After that, talk to the porter again and ask about whether someone could have climbed through the vent. This will give you key information for further investigation.

Now go down to the main deck and talk to Louis Rosen again. Show him the new evidence and you will need to choose the right words to calm him down:

  • Say: “Tell me what you were doing…”
  • Then ask: “I understand you got rid of your clothes?”
  • Finally, mention: “Mademoiselle Underdown said you were absent from dinner…”

After talking to Rosen, talk to the captain, who will tell you that all the evidence is in the forecastle. Go down to Rosen and go to the forecastle, which is located under the stairs on the right. Here, talk to the first mate and examine the guest book on the nearby table. Expand the screen and examine the key log in the drawer, which is to the right of the mate.

Go a little further and look in the box on the floor next to the table. Here you will find several things that might interest you. Look at the wallet, click on the large R engraved on the front side and notice the purple stain on the back. Go a little further and examine the three cabinets. Start with the right cabinet, where you will find a film. Then examine the middle cabinet, which will contain an envelope, and finish with the left cabinet, where there is a pocket watch. Open it by pressing the button and read the inscription engraved inside.

After you have examined everything, talk to the first mate again and pressure him to tell the truth. Select the following questions:

  • “Surely the first mate needs a decent watch?”
  • Then say: “I suppose you can afford to buy a watch yourself?”
  • Finally, threaten: “I’m conducting a search of the crew’s lockers…”

Go to the deck and give Louis Rosen his wallet or diary with the letter “R”. This is necessary to advance the investigation. After that, open the diary and start a new investigation. First, connect the clues “Wallet belongs to Rosen” and “Stains on the floor”, which will indicate his connection to the pantry. Next, connect the resulting clue “Rosen went into the pantry” and “The ventilation can fit a person”, which will provide further evidence of his involvement. And finally, connect the resulting clue “Someone could have climbed through the ventilation” and “Rosen had the opportunity”. These logical connections will help you better understand how events unfolded on that fateful night.

After these actions, go up to the upper deck and talk to the captain. He will tell you about the missing master key, which will become an important detail in the investigation. Now you have to talk to Rosen again, as the captain suspects him of stealing Lady Gerland’s jewels. To get to the bottom of the truth, you need to correctly arrange the sequence of events:

After the first day, the captain detained Rosen.

  1. During dinner, all the passengers are in their places, except Rosen, who is absent.
  2. Rosen finds a way to get into the storeroom using the ventilation.
  3. Having made his way through the ventilation, he gets into Lady Gerland’s cabin.
  4. Having cracked the safe, Rosen steals the jewels and disappears.

After you correctly arrange these events, your next step is to go to the tea room and talk to Bernard. You need to ask him about the watch that is missing. Return to the cockpit and talk to the first mate again, and then pay attention to the guest book. You will notice that there is no entry about Bernard in the guest list, which already raises suspicions.

Now, open your journal again and start collecting new clues. You will need to connect:

  • The clue “The first mate gave the key to the captain” and the clue “Captain Melville never received the master key”. This will open a new clue – “Key contradiction”.
  • Then connect “Missing watch” and the clue “Watch”. This will create a link between the stolen watch and the found items.
  • Connect the new clue “Key contradiction” to the empty uniform bag you examined earlier.
  • Next, connect “Stolen watch” and “Found watch”, which will finally connect Bernard to the theft.
  • Connect the film with the clue “Bernard is a photographer”, which will confirm his involvement in this activity.
  • After that, connect “No chance?” and “Suspicious activity”, which will raise new questions about Bernard’s behavior.
  • Connect “Lady Gerland is hiding something” and “Something doesn’t add up”, which will indicate Gerland’s hidden intentions.
  • Finally, connect the clue “The door to Lady Gerland’s cabin” with the clue “Lupin in the guise of a crew member”.

Return to Lady Gerland’s cabin and interrogate her to find out the key points. It is important to put the events in the correct order:

Having sneaked onto the ship, Lupin finds a suitable disguise to remain unnoticed. Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the news of his arrival and committing his first crime, Lupin steals the captain’s watch. Arriving in response to an emergency call, Rosen becomes the victim of a robbery, but it is not possible to establish who is to blame. Interestingly, Rosen missed two dinners. Under cover of night, Gerland leaves his cabin to meet someone. Having broken into the safe, Lupin steals the jewelry.

Press R to open the investigation related to Bernard. Connect “Lady Gerland left her cabin only once” with “Monsieur d’Andrezy did not have the opportunity”. Then connect “Bernard had the opportunity” with “The master key was used”.

Next, head to the captain and collect all the passengers.

Playing as Bernard (second time)

The author is working on a sequel.

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