Secrets Walkthrough NEVA — All Magical Flowers

Secrets Walkthrough NEVA — All Magical Flowers

In various corners of the puzzle-platformer game NEVA, you can find small flowers. These flowers are key collectibles in the game, and collecting them unlocks a separate achievement called Buds.

How to Find All the Flowers

Chapter 1: Summer

In the first chapter of the game, you can find five magical flowers:

The first flower is hidden under a low-growing tree that you need to cross to jump into the water. In the water, there are cranes, and if you see one of these large birds, it means the flower has already been passed. Return to the tree and approach the flower that is there.
Shortly after the section where you need to remove the infected part of a tree to progress, you’ll encounter a second infected tree. After you jump over the platforms and cut down this tree, use it to reach higher platforms. The flower will be waiting for you at the top.
The third flower can be discovered when you first encounter the large black masks that need to be destroyed to remove the spikes. The flower is located behind these spikes, so proceed a bit further, destroy the mask, and return for the flower.
After encountering a giant monster, you will need to escape. The main character and Neva will become separated, and you will descend underground. Go right to stumble upon a small platforming puzzle. Jump to reach the flower by rolling off the edge, using dashes and double jumps.
The fifth flower is located on the main story path. To collect it, roll off the platform to the left, perform a dash in the air over the spike located in the center of the screen, and then, while airborne, use a double jump to reach the platform with the flower.

Chapter 2: Autumn

In the second chapter, there are ten more flowers to find:

As soon as you start jumping across platforms, you will notice walls with white flowers that you can climb. One such wall is on the right side of the screen. Instead of climbing up, descend to discover a flower.
The next flower you’ll need to find requires jumping over an area with a crumbling floor. Climb up the wall with white flowers on the lower right, jump to the lower center platform, then jump, dash, and double jump to reach a small platform on the left. Climb the wall with white flowers, and there you will see the collectible.
After that, move right from the temple to fight several bird-like creatures. After defeating the first one, move left across the broken platforms. Above you will be a wall with white flowers, and another one at the left edge of the screen. Start climbing it, but it will soon collapse. Use the remaining platforms to reach the flower.
In the second half of the “Autumn” chapter, at one of the checkpoints, you will find a flower located to the left. To collect it, you need to jump from the checkpoint to a small floating column with a small wall of white flowers. Slide down, jump left, dash, and grab another wall on the second column. Repeat this on the third column, climb up, and jump to the flower.
After the chase, you will find yourself in a foggy location. Go left and see the flower on the upper platform. To reach it, move left, climb the wall, jump to the platform, and return to the flower.
The next flower is on the path you are following in the story. Look to the left of the platform and find some disappearing platforms. Use Neva’s attack to activate the platforms, then jump left and climb to the platform with the flower.
When the sky turns red, look for a large area with hanging columns. To reach the flower, you will need a special approach to the portals (avoiding falling down).
When you spot the next flower, use Neva to break the fragile rocks above, near the flower (before descending and breaking through two parts of the floor). Continue through the level. Soon you will be on the other side and able to destroy the second set of fragile rocks to the left of the flower using Neva’s attack. The platform will collapse, and you can collect the flower.
As you climb the flower wall, you will see a platform on the left that you can jump onto. Jump to it to find the flower.
The last flower in this chapter is in a room with three hanging monster-columns. Pass through the portal on the left side, then descend through another portal in the upper center. Dash to grab the flower wall. Climb up and collect the flower.

Chapter 3: Winter

In the third chapter, there are thirteen flowers waiting for you:

At the beginning of this chapter, even before the bridge collapses, you can find a flower that seems inaccessible. To reach the platform on the left side, jump, press I to get off Neva while in the air, and then perform a double jump.
Another flower can be found at the start of the second location in the third chapter. First, go left from the stone that requires two white sparks to activate. Climb onto the lower platform, ascend the flower wall on the right, move up, go left, and drop down to another platform. Then jump, dash, perform a second jump, and grab the flower wall on the right. Climb up to collect the flower.
Next, climb the left side of a small building and go over the top. Fight enemies that are using rocks. Jump onto the flower wall on the right, and then onto the flower wall a bit lower in the center. Dash toward the center while falling to collect the flower.
Below, under the left platform on the main path, look for another flower. Go right and jump onto a small platform on the lower right. Jump to the broken crate on the floor, then jump to the flower wall in the center of the screen. Climb onto the platform on the left and use Neva’s attack to break the crate. The crate in the center will regenerate, allowing you to jump right to the flower. Note: Do not kill the enemy that remains below!
Once you pass the first part of the second location and find the first spark, go right to discover even more flowers. Simply jump to the flower wall, descend, dash, and jump to the flower.
The next flower is located a bit further along the right path. Continue moving right, then when you see platforms on the right, turn left. Climb the wall, defeat the enemies, drop down, and jump onto the platform with the flower.
When you and Neva awaken the flower and receive the white spark, climb up the flower wall and jump to the lotus. Climb the nearby wall, use the squares to move to the platform on the left, and find the flower.
Jump onto the upper left platform, where there is an enemy in the center of the screen. Then, from this platform, jump to the enemy on the right and attack it in midair. You will rise high enough to grab the flower wall on the right side.
Hit the gong to lower the right side of the platform. Then go left, jump onto the middle platform just above the gong, and leap to the flower on the right.
Pass through the central part of the location and hit the gong on the right. You will drop down to the puzzle with the flower.
During the puzzle with the moving platforms, perform the following actions. First, jump onto the flower wall and descend. Let go of the flower wall, dash or jump to the lower flower wall. Let go again and jump to the platform on the right. Hit the gong, return to the upper platforms on the left. Descend to the gong, hit it, jump left, and climb the flower wall. Jump to the large flower wall in the upper right corner. Jump to the center and glide to the flower on the left.
To collect the next flower, hit the gong and then quickly jump and dash to the platform on the left or right. The upper part with the flower will drop right to you.
The last flower of winter is above an enemy who is moving the tower with stairs in the center of the screen. Approach him so he tries to hit you by moving the platform to the right. Then jump down to him so he hits the right side again, changing the set of steps. Climb up the right flower wall and jump to the stairs. Perform a double jump from the top step, then dash back to the flower wall at the top of the screen and ascend to the flower.

Chapter 4: Spring

In this chapter, you will find only one flower: As soon as control passes to you, swiftly head left until you come across the last flower in the game. Moving right will lead you to the final cutscene.

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