Another fruit has been added in Genshin Impact not that long ago. However, this item doesn’t restore HP or can be used in cooking.
Instead, you need to give this item to Liben, for the Marvelous Merchandise event. Upon transaction, you will receive special rewards for your efforts. You won’t need to get these every day, because Liben will ask you for different items the next day.
Where Can You Get Berries for the Event? – Genshin Impact
Interestingly, you can only find these berries in a specific area. This is unusual for Genshin Impact, since the terrain is same is a few places, which logically has the same fruits, but not for berries though.
However, even though that’s true, it is probably because this is an event item. You can expect that that has some impact. The area you can find the berries at is the Dawn Winery region.
There are a few places for this plant, and you will get 12 berries in total. Here are their locations:

The map pins resemble the plants’ locations.
What To Do After You Find The Berries?
If you don’t know, after you find these berries, you can go to Liben which will give you a reward in exchange for this fruit.
After that, you must wait another day and find Liben for the next challenge. You must be able to find Liben, for the next part.

The Marvelous Merchendise event started at Oct. 26th and will last until Nov. 2nd. Each of the day the event lasts, you can get a specific reward.
Don’t worry if you miss a day or two, because you can obtain those rewards whenever you want to, as long as the event is still live. Technically, you can obtain all rewards at the end if you want to, just be careful not to miss your chance!