Walkthrough A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead

Прохождение A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead

Before you begin, select the difficulty level that suits you best. We played on Standart.

After the introductory scene, move forward while crouching with the C key. Press F to climb over the low fence. You’ll learn later that interacting with elements such as water, rocks, and branches creates a lot of noise, which attracts enemies. To avoid unnecessary noise, slow down your movement by scrolling the mouse wheel down. Continue moving, climb onto the rocks ahead, and jump down.

Once inside the house, move along the right wall, sneaking between the cabinets. To open the door, use the mouse, moving it slowly to minimize noise. However, at this point in the game, there’s no particular need for silence. Go down to the basement, then climb out into another room and through the window. Enjoy the cutscene.

Day 105: Ranch

Open the menu by pressing J to see the number of collectibles – 15 documents and 2 audio cassettes that can be found on the ranch. First, turn left, where you will find the first document (1/15) on the table between two benches. Go around the destroyed gazebo to find a toy, for which you will receive credits. Go to the main doors of the house – Martin will climb through the window on the right, and you will pick up the document “Loud Natural Sounds” (2/15) lying on the bench. Next, move left around the corner of the house, find a window marked with yellow paint, and climb inside.

Take the toy plane from the table ahead, receiving 30 credits – a collectible. This is an in-game currency that is not related to achievements. Open the door to leave the kitchen and enter the hall, which you could have entered from the outside through the open door.

Continue moving right and turn to the stairs on the left. On the couch by the stairs is the document “Romantic Message” (3/15). There is a cabinet behind the sofa in the corner, in the drawer of which you can find the audio cassette “Horses” (collection 1/2). Move to the end of the first floor – there are medicines in the infirmary, but the door there is locked. Go up the stairs in the center, next to the horse statue, and find the document “Romantic Answer” (4/15) on a small round table. Go along the corridor to the left – room #4 is locked, and at the end of the corridor you will see a ventilation grill. You will need a screwdriver to open it.

Go through the knocked-down door on the right. Climb up to the visor and move to the right, pressing against the wall marked with yellow paint. Through the open window you will get to the area behind the rubble, which blocked the ascent to the second floor along the first staircase. There is a screwdriver on the cabinet on the left. Overcome the cabinet on the right, on which yellow paint is also visible. Use the screwdriver to unscrew the bolts of the ventilation grill at the end of the hallway and crawl through the vent. Turn left to find a collectible – a toy for 20 credits. Then continue in the other direction.

Once in the office, you can open the door on the right to create a shortcut to the common hall. Directly opposite the infirmary, on the table is the document “On Ventilation” (5/15). Enter the back room of the office and watch the cutscene. In the wall cabinet on the right is the key to room #4, and on the table with the computer on the left is the document “Note on the radio message” (6/15).

Return to the second floor and open the door to room #4. In the drawer of the nightstand on the left, you will find the audio cassette “Black Metal and Kittens” (collection 2/2). On the nightstand to the right of the bed, pick up the document “Message from the Flower Picker” (7/15), and in the next room, the document “Worried Message” (8/15) on the nightstand to the right. When you’re ready, jump down through the hole in the floor to the first floor. After the cutscene, open the door with the latch and reunite with Martin.

Day 119: Hospital

There are 36 documents and one collection waiting for you in the hospital. Start by examining the bed, where you will find a document called “Song Ideas” (1/36). Turn around and pick up another document from the floor – “Children’s Names” (2/36). On the wall board on the right is “Draft Lyrics” (3/36), and nearby are three damaged photographs of a porch, a swing, and a dock (6/36). On the table you will find a document called “Happy Anniversary!” (7/36), and in the cabinet to the left is another one called “I’m Here” (8/36). Also hidden on the shelf of this table is a photo of Julia (9/36). Next, go out into the corridor and go to Martin’s room, located on the left, where you can collect five more documents, bringing the total to 14/36.

Continue moving deeper into the corridor. On the floor you will see the document “From Mark to Kenneth” (15/36). Squeeze along the mattress and go to the end of the corridor, where you can see two people behind the glass door. Turn right, on the board on the right you will find the document “Garbage” (16/36). Then, running in the opposite side of the corridor, you will see another document on the wall called “Cutting Rations” (17/36). A little further, on the chairs on the right, there will be a document “Promise” (18/36). Turn left and go down to the first floor, move left along the corridor. On the wall on the right is the document “Mark is in charge” (19/36). Move along the corridor to the right, and on the right wall before the fork, next to the unlocked door, you will find the document “Cabinet with medicines” (20/36). Open this door, take the box of batteries lying on the table in front. Alex will automatically pick up the medicine. Use the Q key to switch between empty hands and tools, and the E key to change consumables, such as pills or inhalers.

Back in the hallway, you can optionally go into the room with the altar to light the candles and get the achievement. After that, head right, to the last door on the left side, which leads to the storage room. Along the way, on the right wall, you will find the document “Radio Silence” (21/36). Inside the storage room, collect batteries and an inhaler, which can be used if the screen starts to cloud and the lung icon turns red. Then return to the second floor, again walking along the mattress, and enter the open ward 101 on the left. There you will find three documents (24/36). It is worth noting that the note in the opening suitcase will not be taken into account for an unknown reason. After that, return to Alex’s room.

After the cutscene, try to unscrew the bolts on the ventilation and head to Kenneth. Scrolling the mouse wheel down will reduce the noise level. Go through the door ahead and move along the metal sheet. Soon, Alex will use the phonometer, where the left scale will show the level of ambient noise, and the right one will show the level of noise you create yourself. Open the door at the end of the corridor and enter the room. Either move the large barrel on the right and crawl through the window, or use the other door. Climb out through the ventilation shaft, then climb up the ledge and unscrew the bolts to crawl into the next ventilation.

Once in Laura’s room, look around and collect eight documents (32/36). Don’t forget to look into the bathroom, where another document is hidden (33/36). After leaving the room, find a document on the chairs on the left (34/36). Continue to Mark’s room, where you can find a collectible toy for 20 credits. Move on and hide in the room on the right to avoid meeting the monster. When it leaves, find the penultimate document (35/36) on the nearby table. On the wall opposite that room there should be a document “Radio Silence” that you picked up earlier. Now move forward to the room with medicines, which is on the left. Climb onto the ledge, unscrew the bolts and move through the ventilation. As soon as you get out into the new room, take the key from the table. Move the latch and return to the place where you climbed into the ventilation. Open the door opposite. There will be a large sign on the wall “ENTRANCE”. Do not rush to go left following the arrow – instead, turn right and look into the office at the end of the corridor. In the drawer of the table you will find an audio cassette “For Beth” (collection 1/1).

Now head in the opposite direction, open the door to the reception, and on the table with the computer on the right you will find the last document (36/36). Climb over the shelf, then go through the door on the left and go down to the parking lot. Go around the puddles and any other noisy objects. In the parking lot, move along the perimeter of the room clockwise, trying not to get caught by the monster. Find a collectible toy for credits and get to the door, which will end the chapter when interacting with it.


The author is working on a sequel.

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