Where to Find All Shells in Mortal Shell

Where to Find All Shells in Mortal Shell


Shells in Mortal Shell are a kind of character classes that the main character can switch between. Below we tell you where to find them.

The first Shell will be found right after the prologue when you leave the cave. Walk forward and left. This is the Harros shell, the most balanced character with approximately identical stamina and health.

The next Shell can be found in the cave opposite Fallgrim Tower. This tower is your central hub. Exit it through the door, go into the cave in front, bypassing the traps, and kill Grisha. When you do this, then follow down, just to the left of the chest, make your way through the hole in the wall and kill the enemy. You find a new Shell.

Next, you need to get to the Fallgrim Outskirts. When you do this, move on the way to the Abandoned Chambers, linger on the location with the fire and the first two enemies (there will be a third, the executioner next to it). Walk along the water to the rock on the right, break the boards and make your way into the cave. You will need to kill an additional boss. After his death, you can pick up the Shell.

The last shell, which has the most HP, you will find before entering the Eternal Narthex. There are many monoliths in front of this huge citadel. A dying warrior is leaning against one of them.

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