If you are going to use this walkthrough, there are a few things you should know to make things a little bit easier for you.
SPECIAL NOTICE When I tell you to grab a Cadeaux, it's most likely in a pot or barrel. You will see numerous Govi's along the way that I will not mention. That means you can't collect that Dark Soul yet so don't worry, we'll be back at a later time to collect the Dark Soul hidden within the Govi. Be prepared to jump back and forth between the levels, this game is VERY non-linear and you can do it a bunch of different ways. I wrote this walkthrough the way I play the game. It may not be the best way to do it, but it's a way to collect every Dark Soul and finish the game with a full life meter, all of the cheats and available items. The way I play the game, there is a minimal amount of back tracking. If you are just searching for a specific item and are not following this walkthrough, just scan down the page and look for it at the beginning of that section of the walkthrough; then look up how to get that item in that section. If you are wondering on how to reach certain levels in the game, read the paragraph or sentence above that level in the walkthrough to find out how to reach it. If you would like to finish this game with a full life meter, then you have to follow this guide to a tee to find all of the Cadeaux. I fail to mention almost all of the enemies along the way, so be on constant guard. There is a weird glitch in this game that sometimes make Govi's reappear. If you finish the game with two or three more Dark Souls, don't get all excited and think you've found a secret Govi that I somehow missed. There are only 120 Dark Souls to find, NO MORE! I hope you enjoy my guide and I was of some assistance to you. *********************************************************************** ----------------------------- - BAYOU PARADISE, LOUISIANA - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - HANDGUN/SHADOWGUN - TEDDY BEAR - 13 CADEAUX So, how did you like the long opening cut scene? Pretty morbid, wasn't it? This is only the beginning of the horrors you will see while playing this game. You will probably become all weirded out at one point or another so get ready for one of the spookiest video games you will ever have the pleasure of playing. This game offers a really high scare factor. Not the kind of scared you got when a Raptor jumped in your face in Turok 2, I mean this game will scare the crap out of you like when you thought about the Boogie Man hiding under your bed when you were 6 years old. Sit back, enjoy, and embrace the horrors you are about to witness. Be sure to play this game at night with all the lights off and put a garbage bag under your butt in case you soil yourself! This statement sounds totally moot here in 2007 with tons of horror games out there way better and scarier than this, but for the time when this was released this was a creepy game. Way creepier than chasing down zombies in a mansion or a police station...yawn... As soon as you start, grab that Cadeaux on the right and walk forwards, sludging through the mud and enter the tunnel on the left. Take a look at the only item in your inventory and read the file on the five serial killers you must find and destoy. Exit into an area with a tunnel to the right and an incline in front of you. Head down the tunnel for two Cadeaux next to a Govi. This orange cacoon is what houses Dark Souls and you must use your Shadowgun to retrieve the soul within. You will not be able to collect any Dark Souls in this Bayou for a VERY LONG time so don't worry about them yet. Continue along under the bridge to find another Cadeaux. Return to the incline, go up it, go across the bridge and follow the path to a boat tipped onto its side and a mean looking Rottweiler will be growling at you. Climb up the ledge the Rott was on and follow the path around some houses to a rope. Jump up, grab the rope, and shimmy your way to that Cadeaux. Go through the tunnel, collecting another Cadeaux, and grab the thin ledge the next Cadeaux is on and shimmy it to the left and pull yourself up. Walk into the church doors in front of you. The dogs will not attack you unless you try to shoot them, they just want to sniff you out. Inside the church, you'll meet up with Mamma Nettie and she tells you of the long task you have ahead of you and the consequences if you fail. She will then give you a Handgun and your Shadowgun and your little brothers Teddy Bear. After this little cinema, grab the Cadeaux on the altar and the ones in the room to the left of the altar. Go into the room opposite this one and push the crate out of the way for some more Cadeaux. Now use the Teddy Bear to go Deadside, it's going to be a very long time before you return to Liveside. It's pretty much POINTLESS to wander around in Liveside as Mike Leroi, so go Deadside right away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- - MARROW GATES - ---------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - THE PROPHECY - 1 DARK SOUL - 18 CADEAUX (INCLUDING ONES YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR) Welcome to Deadside, the asshole of the Universe! Almost every level you enter throughout the game will have a little cinema at the beginning of it. Hear those really annoying moans? Walk around that pillar in front of you and kill the freaks along this bloody stream for some damn peace and quiet. Walk forwards and eventually you'll meet up with Jaunty. He seems to have missed you, how sweet. After this humor filled cut scene, talk to him again for another laugh. Talk to Jaunty often during the game, after every couple of levels, there are about 6 or 7 cut scenes of you talking to him throughout the game. Walk through the rib cage gates (Beyond The Gates I'll Take You Where The Blood Forever Reigns! Another one from SLAYER) and follow this path to a large area with arching bone pillars across the way. Below you are three bongos you can beat on with the Marteau once you find it for some Cadeaux, DON'T FORGET if you want a full life meter, I will not remind you later. Follow the ledge to the left and kill a couple of more Zombies and continue down the path on the left. When you get to a broken stone bridge, follow the path to the right of it collecting 2 Cadeaux in the pots. Look for a square plate in the ground with weird designs on it. When you find the Calabash (in about 30 hours or so), return here and blow up the square plate for some Cadeaux, DON'T FORGET. Return to the broken stone bridge, jump across it and go down the tunnel. The only way to burn down those bloody curtains you will see is with the Flamebeau, which isn't for a while yet. Once you find it, return here to burn down the bloody curtains for some Cadeaux. I will not mention these Cadeaux again so DON'T FORGET about them. At the end of this tunnel, you'll meet two Slashers. Tough, aren't they? In the pots under the wooden platform to the left is a Cadeaux, go to the right of this platform and collect another one. Keep going and climb the ledges at the end for a few more Cadeaux's. Cross the rope and go straight, not left, and follow the path to another Cadeaux in a pot. Jump the gap and go down the path between the arching bone pillars to break through the first Soul Gate, just hit the action button near the arm rests to open the gate up. Follow this tunnel to a large chamber and another broken stone bridge going across the room, this is the Prophecy Chamber. You will get a warp signal meaning you can warp to this point at any time you wish by using the Teddy Bear. Walk up to the burning altar underneath the bridge to collect the Prophecy and read it. If you want to see some new cut scenes, go talk to Mamma Nettie and Jaunty again then return to this chamber. Climb up the ledge next to the enterance to this chamber and cross the bridge to collect your first Dark Soul. That fiery block to the left of this soul can be pushed out of the way once you have the Toucher Gads. Return across the bridge and break down the next Soul Gate. And again, if you want to see two new cut scenes, go talk to Mamma Nettie and Jaunty again. Some of these cut scenes are only available for a certain time depending on how far you advance in your quest, so if you want to see the full story of the game go see these little cinemas. Go down this narrow tunnel and cross the long skin bridge to enter the Wasteland. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - WASTELAND - ------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - ASSON - 4 DARK SOULS - 17 CADEAUX Go down either tunnel in front of you and exit into an area with three blood falls pouring into a lake of blood and a skin hut will be to your right. Jump into the lake of blood, searching for Cadeaux on the bottom of the lake. The play control is kind of funktified while swimming, you'll get used to it sooner or later. Look for an underwater tunnel, swim through it, surface and kill a couple of Slashers. Hit the big wooden switch, grab the Cadeaux and head back down the tunnel and return to the blood lake. Surface, kill the Gargoyle flying around and enter the hut. When you get to a room with a lava pit leading to a Govi, go right, not to the Govi, and go down the hallway to enter a large area with Slashers charging at you and a skin bridge to the right. Go behind the pillar in this area, hit another switch to extend a rope (Tendon?) and grab the Cadeaux. Walk up the skin bridge and jump to the platform with four pots, collecting 2 more Cadeaux inside
of them. Jump onto the other side of the bridge, towards the rope, and enter the tunnel right next to the rope. After exiting this tunnel, search for the Cadeaux and go into the next tunnel to find your second Dark Soul. Jump onto the pillars around the skin bridge in this area for one more Cadeaux. Make your way up to the hut on the other pillar for another Dark Soul, your shadow level should now be at two. Before you discharge a round from your Shadowgun, let it charge up to full power to kill the enemies faster. You may not notice a difference until you go up a couple of more shadow levels. Return down the tunnel that led you into this area and shimmy your way across the rope and enter the tunnel. Exit into a room with wooden platforms hanging on the walls. Jump onto the platforms to the right of the enterance to this room and jump to grab a thin ledge, shimmy it all the way to the right. If you can't shimmy the ledge, put your Shadowgun away, you'll get used to doing this, trust me. When you can't go any further, press up on the joystick to put your feet on the wall and kick yourself back (jump button) to land on a platform. If you are having difficulty finding the platform you have to land on, change the camera view to see what I'm talking about. Follow this hallway to snag yourself another Dark Soul. Exit this room and hang a left, jump onto the platform with the Cadeaux on it and follow the wooden platforms collecting one more. At the end of the platforms, jump to grab the thin ledge and shimmy your way to the left and kick yourself off when you can't shimmy any further. Follow this wooden catwalk to collect the Asson, this comes in handy while up against those annoying Gargoyles. Return to the rope you shimmied to get into this area and drop down. Run up the skin bridge approximately 13 steps and turn to the right and walk up the thin ledge. Enter the tunnel and make your way to a skin bridge and collect the two Cadeaux in the hut to the left. Go past this hut and down the skin bridge collecting two more Cadeaux. Go up the tunnel and hit the switch to activate another rope and grab that Cadeaux behind the pillar. Return to the above area and follow the skin bridge, past the hut, and jump to the left onto a skin/wood platform with a Cadeaux. Shimmy across the rope for another Govi with a Dark Soul and shimmy your way back. Jump back onto the skin bridge from the skin/wood platform and go through the tunnel, emerging onto another skin bridge. Go right, trying to avoid the Gargoyle scrock and cross the skin bridge to enter the Temple of Life, getting a warp signal in the process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - WASTELAND: TEMPLE OF LIFE - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED - BATON - BOOK OF SHADOWS - FLAME GRILLED CHEAT - 10 CADEAUX Walk forwards making your way to a burning altar. Jump into the room to the right of this altar and quickly jump across the lava pit via the waffle grates. These grates sink at a very rapid rate so whenever you come across these waffles, make your jumps quickly or be dead, you've been warned. Hang a left and jump across the next lava pit, follow this corridor to a platform with spikes jabbing up and down from the floor and grab that Cadeaux on the thin ledge around this platform. Return down the corridor you've just came from and go through the door on the left and jump across the lava. Grab the ledge the Cadeaux is on and shimmy to the left and kick yourself off at the end. Grab the next thin ledge and shimmy it to the end and kick yourself off. Don't jump onto that waffle grate in front of you, you have a WAYS to go before you can venture into that area safely. Go into the corridor to some more spike traps, grab the next ledge and shimmy to the right and kick yourself off when you have collected a Cadeaux. Follow this spiked platform, jump across the lava into a room, follow the corridor and drop down a hole that will be on the left. Walk down this corridor and drop down the next hole you will come across. Follow this narrow corridor to a large, circular chamber. This is God Loa's chamber. Grab the Baton in the center of this room on the burning altar. With this item, you can use it to warp to different altars found throughout Deadside or you can use it as a weapon. The altar in front of you will take you to the one at the beginning of this Temple. Grab the five Cadeaux (you should have 50 Cadeaux) in this chamber and go into the SECOND cubby hole on the RIGHT of the enterance to this chamber to activate the Flame Grilled Cheat and receive your Book of Shadows, a book of cheats. They're not really cheats, they just let you play the game as several different characters or on fire like this cheat will do. If you're playing on a Play Station console, you will *NOT* be able to activate the cheat and therefore you will *NOT* get the Book of Shadows. All other consoles will activate the cheat and give you the book. Don't worry though, you will eventually get the Book of Shadows, minus the cheats, after you've found ALL 120 DARK SOULS! When you have collected 100 Cadeaux, bring them to these cubby holes and offer them to God Loa for an extra notch on your life meter. Use the Teddy Bear to warp to the Prophecy Chamber and go to the little skin bridge just before the big one leading into the Wasteland. Drop down from this bridge and grab a Cadeaux in the corner and bust through the Soul Gate, which requires a shadow level of 2. Walk through this tunnel and follow the path to the right. You can't open any of the Soul Gates in this circular area yet, so quit dreaming. Walk across the next long skin bridge between the Soul Gates to enter the dreaded Asylum, "It's a Madhouse." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - ASYLUM: GATEWAY - ------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - ENGINEER'S KEY - 3 DARK SOULS - 14 CADEAUX Get ready for a pretty dreary level. Cross the metal pipes and go through the doorway. Follow the corridor and jump over a few acid pits and enter a room. Go straight, through some slamming doors and drop into the courtyard of this HUGE Asylum. Damn that's big, isn't it? Didn't the graphics drastically improve? I thought the graphics sucked until I saw the Asylum, and the levels inside of it. Walk towards the enterance in the middle and you'll get a warp signal when you cross the wooden draw bridge. Drop onto the pipe in the lava to the right of the bridge and carefully make your way across this pipe and climb up through the set of slamming doors. Follow this wooden corridor to another pipe, drop down and follow it to a platform. Jump onto the platform and wait for the moving one to come to you. Jump onto the moving platform and ride it up, collect the Cadeaux on the pipe above you, not the one across from you (you can't get that one yet), and then jump onto the hexagon shaped platform via the moving one. Follow this pipe and climb into the corridor, follow it to the end and be prepared to make a giant leap to the platform across the lava. Wait for the next moving platform and jump onto it, and then another one. On the pipe to the left are 2 Cadeaux. Are these sound effects bugging you out yet? Wait until the Playrooms. Jump off onto the pipe and follow it to a set of slamming doors on the left wall. Jump into that wooden corridor and take it to a fork, hang a right and drop down into a blood smeared room. Nasty, eh? "Splattered red you'll find my den with blood dripping from the walls," another one from Slayer. Exit this room and go left, then into the room on the left for some Cadeaux. Did that Hooker in the blood stained room scare the shit out of you or what? FREAKS. Probably killed you, didn't he? Use your Baton on them to kill them really fast. Return to the hallway and hang a left and enter the next door you will see for another Cadeaux. Return to the hallway, go left down this now blood smeared hallway and enter the next door on the left for another Cadeaux. Return to the hallway and go left, through an archway, then make a right to snag yourself another Dark Soul and Cadeaux. Return to the archway and go through the yellow hallway, then through the door on the left by the two Hookers for some more Cadeaux. Return to the yellow hallway and climb into that hole in the wall to the right of the door, follow this wooden corridor to a hole and drop down it. Follow this next corridor to another hole and drop down into a circular room. Grab the Engineer's Key, put it on and stick it into the console by the computer, then the one in front of the door to unlock it. Walk through another door to be back in the bloody hallway. Go right to the big steel door with the green light and grab another Dark Soul by the Trolley you will board in a minute, you should now be at shadow level three. If you happen to die, walk through the main Asylum doors to be in this same general area and be sure to grab the two Cadeaux to the left and right of the enterance into the Asylum. Go down the yellow hallway from this Dark Soul and follow it to a Govi with another Dark Soul throbbing inside of it, collecting two Cadeaux along the way. Return to the Trolley and take a ride. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - ASYLUM: CATHEDRAL OF PAIN - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 1 DARK SOUL - LA LAME - 12 CADEAUX (INCLUDING ONES YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR) Exit the Trolley, go through the door on the left, and head down several flights of stairs to emerge into a room with two Cadeaux and a Govi housing another Dark Soul. Go through the door to the right of the enterance into this room for another Cadeaux. Return to the room with the Trolley and go through the door opposite the Trolley to get the warp signal. This is the Cathedral where you will open up Schism Traces that lead to the five serial killers. Some of the traces require Retractors to open up and some of them do not. You're not nearly powerful enough to fight any serial killers so don't wander around this place just yet, unless you want to die from all the Sniper Hogs lurking around. If you want to see two new cut scenes, go talk to Mamma Nettie and Jaunty again, then warp to the Prophecy Chamber. Make your way to the Soul Gate just before the enterance leading into the Asylum and break through it to collect La Lame, the first piece of the L'Eclipser, a special knife that will allow you to become Shadow Man in Liveside. Walk down the skin bridge and bust through the next Soul Gate. Follow the long tunnel to a circular catwalk and follow it down collecting a bunch of Cadeaux along the way. Go through the tunnel at the bottom and enter an area with a lava pit and two Soul Gates. When you have the Marcher Gads, there are Cadeaux in the lava pit you can grab, DON'T FORGET! Head to the long skin bridge on the left to enter the area leading into the Fire Temple. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - TEMPLE OF FIRE (TOUCHER) - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - TOUCHER GADS - POIGNE - 8 DARK SOULS - STICK BOY CHEAT Walk through the tunnel, this next part can be really confusing so listen up. When you get to a blood pool with a tunnel across the way, go right, up the incline and jump the gap to grab a ledge and pull yourself up, then walk through the tunnel. When you get to another blood pool, follow the path to the right of it and go into the next tunnel; jump into two alcoves below for two Cadeaux. Drop down and follow the tunnel around to be on the other side of the first shallow blood pool. Make your way back up to the second blood pool and dive in, being super weary of a seemingly endless amount of Manta Rays. Swim through the blood into a tunnel, then through a hole in the wall to be inside of a well. Swim all the way to the bottom of this well to collect some Cadeaux and surface. Pull yourself out of the blood and you are now in a huge square room with two sets of stairs and 2 GIGANTIC blood falls. Go up the set of stairs where the blue lights are above the doors. When you reach the first door, shoot it with your Shadowgun to break through it. Follow this long corridor to a room and walk along the left wall for a Cadeaux. Diagonal to this corner is another Cadeaux. Climb up onto the rectangular pillars and find a switch up there you must activate to raise the first stair leading into the Fire Temple. Once you do, beware of the little hoes flying around trying to kill you. Get used to them, they will become quite a menace and are found in every temple. Return to the stairway where you entered this room, go up them and break through the second door. Go up the stairway on the left and follow the catwalk around the room to another flight of stairs. Almost at the top of the stairs, look to your left to spot a corridor. Climb onto the skin railing and jump to it to activate the Stick Boy Cheat, then drop down and climb the stairs to hit a switch to raise the second stair leading to the Fire Temple. That jump for the cheat IS possible to make, if you have an incredible amount of patience. If you can't seem to make the jump to get to the cheat, wait until you have the Flambeau. On your way up the stairs leading to these switches, there is a passage way on the left at the very top that leads to a bloody curtain and a couple of Cadeaux. Burn it down with the Flambeau and look for the hallway leading directly to the cheat. You must kill the thong maidens in this hallway to get the cheat. Return to the third blue lit doorway. Enter this room and climb the platform in the back of this room, grab the thin ledge and shimmy to the left or right. Pull yourself up, hop onto the pillar and carefully walk across the wooden beams to the middle of the room and drop down onto the platform to hit the switch and raise the third stair going into the temple. In a small alcove to the right of the enterance into this room is a bloody sheet you can burn down with the Flamebeau once you find it for Cadeaux, DON'T FORGET! Return to the beams and walk along them for some Cadeaux. Return to the stairs leading to the fourth blue lit doorway and follow the wooden catwalk down for another Dark Soul. Cotinue down the catwalk to activate the fourth switch. Make your way back up the catwalk and go into the fifth blue lit door. Make your way to a ledge with two Cadeaux. Hit the switch, drop down and activate the switch directly below the last one to pass the first trial. Walk towards the pyramidical stairs you have formed and spot two Govi's in little alcoves to the left and right of the pyramid. Jump onto the ledges below the Govi's from the BOTTOM stair. It's probably going to take you quite a few attempts to snag these two Dark Souls so be patient. Jump head on into them, not at an angle. If you become too frustrated, you can wait until you have the Nager Gads to grab these 2 Dark Souls which can be reached by swimming through the second set of lava found inside the temple, then swim through a tunnel and surface. Look for the corridors leading to the two Dark Souls and find them with ease. I wouldn't wait that long for these two Dark Souls if I were you, the Nager Gads are HOURS and HOURS away. When you have finally collected them (the Dark Souls), climb the pyramid to the Govi housing a Dark Soul and you'll also get a warp signal. As if you weren't already enough from snagging those two Dark Souls on the ledges, get ready to become even more frustrated while trying to collect the Toucher Gads. Go through the skin door (which strangely resembles a bung hole) and jump across the lava, run forwards while dodging the spinning scythes and swinging hammers and go through the next door. Get ready to make a GIANT leap onto the wooden platform and make your way across this booby trapped platform and enter the next room. This is a huge lava pit, drop off the ledge in front of the door to land on a stone platform. Go into first person view and scope the four alcoves to your left and right, and an oblong shaped alcove in the back of this humongous chamber. Now you must make your way to each alcove and activate the switch in each one to eventually make a ring in the middle of the chamber. This is probably going to take numerous attempts and you may need to shut the game off after a while so you don't whip your controller into your television. If you get too pissed off and want to quit your game for a while, make sure you save before you quit if you've lowered the Nager ring so you don't have to lower it again when you decide to give it another shot. When you have made the ring, enter it to be raised up and the Toucher Gads will be burned into your forearms. To the left of where you entered this lava chamber is an alcove with a path along the side of it leading to a fiery block. Go push the block in with your newfound ability for some Cadeaux and a Dark Soul. Just kill the thong maidens and make your way up the wooden platforms and grab the fiery ledge, then pull yourself up and follow the corridor to get this Dark Soul. Return to the lava chamber and go grab that fiery ledge across from this alcove, shimmy it to the right, pull yourself up and follow the corridor to a room with rectangular pillars; jump on the one to the left for a Cadeaux. Drop down and hit the two switches hidden behind the pillars, one to open a door and the other to extend a rope. Climb up the pillars to the rope, collecting a Cadeaux in the process, shimmy your way across it and enter the previously locked door. Follow the corridor to a throbbing Govi and collect the Dark Soul within it. Push the block in on the left of the stairwell if you were going up them, the second one, to grab this soul. Push the other fiery blocks out of the way for some Cadeaux and other surprises. Warp to the beginning of this temple. Go back into the room with the two big blood falls, just follow the corridor opposite the entrance leading into the fire temple itself. Go up the stairwell with the lights above the doors about half way way to the top, and then go through a passage on the left to a fiery block at the end. Push it in and follow the corridor to a cavern, drop down into it and follow the tunnel to a Soul Gate. Bust through it to receive the Poigne if you are at shadow level 4, you should be. Now you may climb all of the blood falls found throughout Deadside. Climb the one to the left of this altar, with two lights on the ceiling. At the end of the stream, jump the gap to collect yourself yet another Dark Soul. Climb back up the blood fall you've just jumped from and climb the one by the Poigne altar with one light on the ceiling. Make your way back to the room with the two GIGANTIC blood falls and climb both of them, one for some Cadeaux and the other for a Dark Soul. Now warp to the Marrow Gates to collect some more Dark Souls if you wish to advance further into the sick realm of Deadside. This game kicks some serious ass, doesn't it? You're not even close to the heart of the game yet. It's going to be a LOOONG while before you'll even face a serial killer, even longer to defeat this game. There are many, many Dark Souls and items to find before you can have a good old fashioned serial killer head stomping. Like I said, you'll get your money's worth out of this collosal game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- - MARROW GATES - ---------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 3 DARK SOULS (POIGNE AND TOUCHER GADS REQUIRED) Climb the blood fall behind the pillar at the start of this level for your should be 18th Dark Soul, whoo-hoo! When you are at shadow level 10, you can break through that Soul Gate up here for a nice surprise. That's not for an extremely long time, about 40 hours or so depending on whether or not you're fast at overcoming the obstacles that lie ahead. If not, then more like 60 or 70 hours away, maybe even 90 to 100, who knows? Them Shriekers aren't jack to kill now, huh? If you are having trouble defeating enemies, R-target them and strafe side to side or around them and let your Shadowgun charge up before you disperse the round, I can't stress this enough. Master this maneauver before entering the Playrooms, you've been warned! If you need help killing Shriekers, give up NOW and rapidly boil Shadow Man in a two quart saucepan, forget about it and jam to Zelda or Donkey Kong, I'm surprised you've made it this far. When you see Jaunty, go talk to him for another nice little voice segment. Make your way through the gates and to the broken stone bridge along the left path. Drop down and climb the blood fall to the left of the bridge for another Dark Soul. Warp to the Prophecy Chamber. Cross the broken stone bridge and push the fiery block out of the way to snag yourself another purple Dark Soul and enter the Wasteland. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - WASTELAND - ------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 4 DARK SOULS (POIGNE REQUIRED) - 10 CADEAUX Go to the blood lake with three blood falls pouring into it. Look for a switch next to the hut and hit it to make a rope leading to some Cadeaux extend across the lake, go get them (one's on top of the skin hut). Now climb the blood fall to the right of the enterance to this lake to retrieve a Dark Soul inside of a hut, and be sure to grab the Cadeaux behind this hut. Now climb the blood fall to the left of the enterance to the lake of blood for a Cadeaux and walk through the tunnel to another blood lake. Go right, past a tunnel, jump and follow the ledges to another Dark Soul. Dive into the lake and search for the Cadeaux on the bottom; swim through the tunnel into another blood lake, be sure to check the bottom of this one for Cadeaux as well. Surface, look for skin platforms and grab the Cadeaux on the small island, then follow the platforms up to the next Dark Soul and your shadow level just raised to 5 if you are following this walkthrough. From the Dark Soul, jump to the left and grab some Cadeaux, climb the tower and pull the lever on top to activate a skin Windmill. Drop back into the blood lake below and swim back through the tunnel and surface. Go down the tunnel to the right of where you first entered this area and jump on the little wooden Trolley going across the lava to reach the 24th Dark Soul. Warp to the Temple of Life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - WASTELAND: TEMPLE OF LIFE - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 1 DARK SOUL (TOUCHER GADS REQUIRED) - 1 CADEAUX When you reach the fiery altar, jump to the right and make your way to that spiked platform ready to stab the shit out of you. Jump into the room to the right of it and push in the fiery block to grab yourself another Dark Soul and some Cadeaux. Hey, perfect timing! Take 100 Cadeaux to God Loa's chamber and offer them to her, you do remember how to get there, don't you? Warp to Asylum: Gateway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - ASYLUM: GATEWAY - ------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 4 DARK SOULS (TOUCHER GADS REQUIRED) - DEADSIDER CHEAT - 16 CADEAUX SURPRISE! Hey, these morons weren't here before. These guys are wimps, just R-target them and strafe to the left and right to EASILY avoid their incoming rounds. Hellen Keller has better aim than these bozos can ever dream of having. Drop onto the pipe to the left of the draw bridge leading into the Asylum and make your way across it through a set of slamming doors and into a wooden corridor. Follow it and drop down onto the next pipe and shimmy your way around the burning vent pipes, then hop onto the platform with two Cadeaux. Walk up the inclining corridor to a room with a zombie locked in a cage. Go into the room to the right of this cage for another Dark Soul, some Cadeaux, and a freak chasing you with a Chain Saw, ARRGHHHH, it's Leatherface! I almost shit my pants the first time I ran into one of these freakoids. I turned around and he was just all up in my face hacking away, I totally unexpected him. These guys will rip you up in seconds so I advise you to keep your distance while fighting them. Climb the boxes and jump to the rafter over the doorway where you've entered this room to activate the Deadsider Cheat. Go into the room Leatherface popped out of and grab the Cadeaux in there. Go into the room to the left of the caged zombie and go past another caged freak to wander upon the next Dark Soul. Continue along and hang a left at the fork and go upstairs for yet another Dark Soul to add to your collection and some more Cadeaux. Jump onto the crate and balance yourself across the thick cable to reach your should be 29th Dark Soul if you are following this walkthrough. Climb back up onto the cable and follow it to a room with four Cadeaux. Drop down from the Cadeaux and exit this Asylum by way of the slamming doors near the enterance to the Asylum, use your Engineer's Key to make the doors slam and collect the Cadeaux through the doors. The slamming doors are directly south of the main Asylum doors. Cross the skin bridge leading into the Marrow Gates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - PATH OF SHADOWS - ------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - FLAMBEAU - LA SOLEIL - 11 CADEAUX Follow the tunnel in the lower Soul Gate to emerge in the area where you've entered the Fire Temple and go across the bridge leading into that level. Follow these directions to a tee, this part can be very mind boggling. Follow the tunnel and go right, down this tunnel past the two pillars and make two more rights when you get the chance. Go up the incline next to the enterance to the next tunnel; make a left at the fork and then another quick left, then take a quick right and bust through the Soul Gate to receive the Flambeau if you're at shadow level 5. I'm laughing if you're not! Burn down the bloody sheets in this room with your new toy for some Cadeaux. Follow the path to the left of this Soul Gate and burn down another sheet for Cadeaux. Now go back and follow the path to the right of the gate for another Cadeaux. The path that leads to the blood lake has a bloody curtain to burn down for Cadeaux. Go back and cross the long skin bridge exiting this level and bust through the Soul Gate to the left of it. Go down the tunnel to a bloody stream and a skin bridge, drop off into the stream to the right of the bridge for a Cadeaux. Climb out of the stream and break down that Soul Gate, which requires a shadow level of 5, to recive another piece of the L'Eclipser, La Soleil. Jump into the water around the altar for some more Cadeaux, DO NOT, I say DO NOT drop down that hole in the back of this room yet. Exit this chamber and walk along the bloody stream to another long skin bridge, collecting the Cadeaux in the blood puddle by the bridge. Cross it to enter the Cageways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- - ASYLUM: CAGEWAYS - -------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - RETRACTOR - 6 DARK SOULS (TOUCHER GADS REQUIRED) - 28 CADEAUX (INCLUDING ONES YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR) Walk up the incline, jump the ledges and enter the tunnel. Below you are three bongos you can beat on with the Marteau once you find it for some Cadeaux. Follow the tunnel, burning down a sheet for a Cadeaux, and drop down the hole at the end of the tunnel into a fenced in area. Shimmy the wall all the way to the right and kick yourself up onto the crates and jump over the fence. Shimmy the rope over the next fence to see a train to the left and a large tower to your right. Enter the tower to collect another Dark Soul and some Cadeaux. Exit the tower and head through the tunnel on the left of the train and burn down all the sheets in this tunnel for some goodies. Push the crate in to enter the tunnel. Return to the train and enter it, walk through the cars collecting a couple of Cadeaux along the way and activate the switch with your Engineer's Key to take a ride. When the train ride is over, exit it to receive the warp signal and shoot the barrels around the train for some Cadeaux. Head towards the Trolley and hang a right and go through the rectangular doors, then go down the stairs to snag yourself another Dark Soul. Go to the left of the console and climb up through the doors. Drop into the next room and pull the lever on the console in the back left corner of this room past the stairs on the left. After pulling the lever, walk up the stairs and make your way to a cable with a cage moving across it. Wait until the cage is BEHIND you and quickly shimmy across the cable to the ledge before the cage pushes you off. Grab the next cable and shimmy WITH the cage and drop to the ledge, then leap to the Dark Soul. Go through the severely blood smeared corridor next to the stairway in this room and enter the next room with a few baddies trying to blow your head off. Climb the stairs in the back of this room and jump onto the cages for another Dark Soul. Return to the train that brought you into the Cageways and make your way across the lava pit in front of the train via the pipes, collecting some Cadeaux in the process. Enter the narrow passageway at the end of these pipes and wander into another lava pit. Follow this next set of pipes above this pit to snag the Dark Soul being very weary of the cages trying to push you into the lava, collecting Cadeaux along the way. Go back to the train that brought into this level and grab the thin ledge to the right of the Trolley and shimmy it to the left, pull yourself up and go through the doors to be in an area with an acid lake. The barrel on that pipe has a Cadeaux inside and the two barrel's on the other pipe contain two Cadeaux, jump to get them. Jump onto the ledge and go down the flight of stairs and shoot the barrels for another Cadeaux. Climb onto the boxes and use your Engineer's Key on the lock above the boxes. Follow the ledge to another lock and stick your arm into it to open up the door in front of you. Return to where you've unlocked the first door and walk across the metal beam, through the corridor, and down the stairs to jump into a cage by the locked door for the next Dark Soul inside the throbbing Govi and raise to the sixth shadow level if you are following my guide. Return to the second door you've just unlocked a minute ago and follow the wooden corridor to a Cathedral looking room. Drop down and collect the Cadeaux in the rooms underneath the flight of stairs. Climb up the steps to receive your first Retractor, this will open up a Schism Trace leading to a serial killer in Liveside. Warp to the beginning of this level and ride the Trolley on the right of the train that led you in here to shut down Piston #1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ASYLUM: ENGINE BLOCK - ------------------------ -- SHUTTING DOWN PISTON #1: This will be a short, easy task to accomplish, one of the few. Go down the rusty incline and up the other one on the other side of the room to hear your little brother Luke calling to you. Run down the corridor he's calling you from and you'll eventually meet up with him in the main piston room; you'll also get the warp signal. This is the room that will eventually lead you to Legion once the four pistons have been shut down. See the pistons moving up and down in front of you? Go through the door on the left and shimmy across the rope, go down the corridor through several yellow rooms to eventually come to a halt with three tubes with purple liquid in them and a big, gold number 1 on the wall. Look at the tubes, notice how it is divided into five sections and do you see the slots below the tubes? Well, from left to right, stick your arm into the slots with the Engineer's Key and enter the combination 5 - 5 - 5. Just keep using the key in the slots to fill the tubes all the way up to the tippy top to shut down the first piston. Do you understand how the combination system works? If you don't, then give up NOW! You can obtain all of the combinations to the four piston rooms from Jack's Journal, which isn't for a while yet. I was going to make you wait for the combinations, but I can't do that to you. Go into the Wasteland. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - WASTELAND - ------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - ENSEIGNE - 3 CADEAUX Go down either tunnel, enter the area with the blood lake and climb the blood fall on the right; make your way into the hut where you've previously found a Dark Soul. When inside the hut, try to drop down onto the wooden catwalk below to be where you've found the Asson. If you fall all the way to the bottom, just make your way back up to the catwalk via the wooden platforms in the cavern next to this one. You did grab the Cadeaux below the Asson platform before, didn't you? Walk down the tunnel next to the burning altar where the Asson was; follow it to a Soul Gate and some Cadeaux. Break down the Soul Gate to grab the Enseigne if you're at shadow level 6. Go talk to Jaunty and Mamma Nettie again for new cut scenes. Now make your way back to where you've collected the La Soleil and drop down the hole in the back of the chamber, grab that Cadeaux on the right and cross the long skin bridge to enter the dreaded Playrooms. For easy reference, the chamber you need to get to with the hole is right near the long skin bridge entering the Asylum: Cageaways area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - ASYLUM: PLAYROOMS - --------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - RETRACTOR - 8 DARK SOULS - DEADWING CHEAT - VIOLATOR - 35 CADEAUX Dive into the blood lake and search for a Cadeaux on the bottom. Swim through the tunnel and pull yourself out of the blood, grab that Cadeaux in a barrel, and pull yourself up onto the ledge and jump across this lake of blood. Kill a couple of freaks and place your Engineer's Key into the slot to open up a locked pipe. Dive back into the lake and swim down the very long pipe you've just unlocked, collecting some Cadeaux along the way. The sound effects on this level are very strange, aren't they? Down right freaky if you ask me. Rubber Duckies squeaking and children crying, then giggling, it's a bugged out level man and you're probably going to love it. Put your Baton in your hand and get ready to use it frequently. Surface into an area with three Sniper Hogs trying to take you out. Walk down the incline to a door and grab the Cadeaux to the left of the door. After collecting them, go through the door into a yellow room, and then the door on the right to receive the warp signal. Turn around and walk back up the inclining path, past the pool where you've entered the Playrooms and go through the door. Cross the wooden bridge and make a left in the next corridor to enter a room with a pentagram on a wooden door. Go through this door, then through the next one to enter a room with a stairway. Check under the stairs for some Cadeaux and then climb them to receive your second Retractor. From the Retractor, return to the wooden bridge and drop into the bloody pool to the left and grab the Cadeaux on the bottom; then climb out of the pool. Go into the corridor, not the pipe, and walk down the incline to collect another Dark Soul. Return to the pool under the bridge and go through the pipe with the spinning fan blade, grab the Cadeaux and climb the tiny blood fall trickling down the pipe. It took me a while to figure out I could climb this, DUUUHHHH! Continue down the pipe to another blood pool and a Govi housing a Dark Soul to your left in a severly blood splattered room, be sure to grab the Cadeaux on the bottom of this pool. Return back through the pipe to the blood pool and shoot that glob in the water below to reveal a secret tunnel, look for a Cadeaux too. Swim through the tunnel collecting some more Cadeaux and surface to kill a Trooper. Go into the corridor to the right of the yellow one, grab the Cadeaux and go through the pipe at the end of the blood pool. Climb up the ledge and walk through the pipe to find the next two Dark Souls and a couple of more Cadeaux on the bottom of the pool. Return to that yellow room and use the Engineer's Key on the console in there. Jump back into the blood pool and go through the pipe on the right, climb out of the blood and grab the Cadeaux behind the pipe and then head through the door. Walk down this long, turning corridor to enter a large room with a blood pool, an inclining path to your right, and a console straight ahead of you. Pull the lever on the console and enter the room next to it for a Cadeaux. Return to the incline and take the path up through a door and walk down the corridor ignoring the FIRST right. Take the SECOND right and go through the door and stick your arm into the slot to raise the blood level in the lower areas pool. Drop into the blood ahead of you and head for the the pipe on the other side of this pool, not the pipe on the bottom of it. Climb into the pipe and make your way to a corridor with a few locked doors along the left wall and a console at the end of this corridor next to the door, pull the lever on the console. Now all of the doors in this corridor are unlocked, explore them all for Cadeaux. In the room with the Hooker inside of the crib, push the lettered block next to it out of the way for a secret stash of Cadeaux. In another room with a pool table inside of it, jump on it to active the Deadwing Cheat. Return to the console and head through the door next to it, then another one to retrieve the next Dark Soul inside of the throbbing Govi. Turn around and go through the door next to this Govi and hit the switch on the console to release a Giant Zombie from a cage. We won't be fighting him for a while, so don't get all paranoid on me just yet. Exit this room and go right, run past the console, into the corridor and go through the door to collect another precious Dark Soul, collecting a couple of more Cadeaux as well. Remember the blood pool you raised a few minutes ago? Return to the pool and use the Engineer's Key on the console on the far end of the pool to open up a large portal next to the console so you can enter a pipe. Walk through this pipe and drop into some more blood. Grab the two Cadeaux in the corners of this pool and climb out and drop down into the room below and enter the door. Go down this corridor, through another door, and then through the door left of the inclining path for another sweet Dark Soul that isn't inside of a Govi. Uh-oh, the freaks are figuring out how to release the Dark Souls from the Govi, better hurry dude. They're going to take over the World man, HURRY! This is the room where you will collect the Violator and ammunition for it. See it caged inside of the glass? Don't you wish you can have it right now? Since you don't have three Accumulator's yet, be sure to pull the lever on the console in this room for easy access once you find three Accumulator's. You'll be very sorry if you don't pull that lever, trust me. Return to the incline before the door leading into this room and enter the door for another Dark Soul. Go to the long skin bridge that leads into the Playrooms level and break through the soul gate just before the bridge, which requires a shadow level of 6 to do. Walk through the tunnel to an area with a lava pit and wooden platforms. Climb the wooden scaffold for two Cadeaux and drop down to cross the long skin bridge to enter the ENORMOUS Temple of Prophecy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- - TEMPLE OF PROPHECY (MARCHER) - -------------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - MARCHER GADS - 13 DARK SOULS - MARTEAU - LA LAME - BIG HEAD CHEAT (Hilarious!) - 32 CADEAUX Get ready for a very, very long and frustrating level. This temple took me a super long time to figure out on my first quest. This may not be the absolute best way to do this level, but it is a way to snag all the items in it. Follow the tunnel, past a Soul Gate, to the enterance of the temple to see the warp signal flash across the screen. Go down the steps leading into the temple and through the skin door. Descend another flight of stairs into a room with a gigantic pillar in the center, and then some annoying thong mistresses will start flying around. All these chics need are some whips, don't you think that would've been a more appropriate weapon for these skanks? Go up the set of stairs on the other side of this room and go into the next room with a big statue and a Govi in its outstretched hand. Go up the stairs to the left of the statue and activate the switch to make numerous blood falls start flowing in this room and in the previous room. Climb the blood fall going down the front of the statue for the Dark Soul. Drop down from the statues hand and head into the room you've just came from and climb the now blood dripping pillar for Cadeaux. From the stairwell from where you entered the temple into THIS room, climb either blood fall on the side of the stairs and follow the corridor at the top to find a Govi housing another purple worm soul. Return to the top of the blood fall you've just climbed and jump into the corridor to the right, head down the stairs to another blood fall. Go through the door to the left of the blood fall into a long room with a gigantic swinging hammer and slanted walls with little ledges on them. Climb up the ledges and slam your Baton into the burning altar and warp to a Dark Soul that will be on the right. Go down the hallway from the Dark Soul and push the discolored block out of the way at the end, forming an easy access point to the heart of the temple from the starting point if you happen die, you lucky bastard. Go and slam your Baton back into the altar you've just warped from and head through the skin door opposite the altar. Enter another large room with a statue. Jump onto the ledges in this room, you can hit the bongos with the Marteau once you've found it, and hit the two switches to extend the statues arms to reveal a Govi in its stomach. From either ledge, jump onto the arms, and then into its belly for the Dark Soul. Drop off of the statue and go through the skin door on the right, go up the stairs and keep going straight, through several booby trapped rooms. Eventually you'll wander into a room with more Soul Sisters and a Govi sitting atop a slanted platform. From where you entered this room, climb the ledge to the left and jump to grab that thin wooden lever and pull it down, hang on to it after it stops for a few seconds just to be sure it's all the way down. Drop off of the lever and QUICKY run to the other side of the room, climb the ledge and run around it, then jump to the now set of stairs leading up to the Dark Soul inside of the Govi, they're a pain in the ass trying to climb. If you are following this walkthrough, you just got promoted to shadow level 7 and have 51 Dark Souls. Drop down and go through the door on the right, then jump down and activate a switch to extend a rope. Warp to the beginning of the temple with your Teddy Bear. Go back into the temple and enter the room where you created all of the blood falls, you know, the one with the statue. Head towards the skin door on the right and go through the one on the left. Walk up the flight of stairs and enter a room with a lava pit, some flaming statues, and a walkway going across the pit. Jump down onto the walkway and carefully make your way to the other side of the pit, ducking when necessary to avoid the fire balls shooting out of the statue mouths to give you a serious case of face burn. You can roll under the fire balls into a crouching position while you're running, fiddle around with your controller to figure out how. I haven't the slighteset clue as to what system you're playing this game on or else I'd tell you what button to use. If you're playing on the N64, it's the down C button. When you are safely across the lava, go through a few doors and emerge onto a wooden platform with another lava pit below. Jump up and grab the spinning stick when it goes over your head, change the camera view to the side, then drop onto the platform on the other side of this room and jump through the door. Follow the corridor to a wooden platform and jump across the lava onto another platform, run past the spinning scythe, then jump a couple of more platforms and go through the door. Follow the corridor to another statue room and collect the two Cadeaux on the small pedestals to the left and right of it. Hit the switch in this room to extend a rope and shimmy it for another Dark Soul in the statues lap. Drop down and go through the skin door on the left of the switch and emerge onto a wooden platform with a spinning scythe. Push the fiery block in on the right and follow the narrow corridor into a room with a blood fall and some more sleeping sisters. Activate the four switches in this room to make the statue heads above lower and awaken the sisters. Climb up the blood fall and grab the ledge to the right and shimmy it all the way to the end and kick yourself onto another platform. Follow it to the other side of this room and make a leap for that Govi to collect another Dark Soul. Go into the corridor with the fiery block, it's in the doorway to the left of where you entered this room, push it in and follow the corridor to another lava pit with a wooden catwalk. Follow the catwalk to the right and stop at the doorway by the wooden lever and spot a Govi inside of a cage. When you have gotten the Marcher Gads burned into your back, come back into this room and pull the lever down to raise the cage and then you'll be able to collect the Dark Soul inside of the cage by jumping to it from the catwalk leading down into the lava. You can also walk through the door down in the lava for two Cadeaux, DON'T FORGET! Go through the door by the lever and enter a room with four switches, activate them all to make some more statue heads lower. Walk up the wooden walkway in this room to a Dark Soul, awakening the forever hounding sisters in the process. Go through the door at the bottom of this room into another lava pit with a moving pillar going up and down, go through the door across from the one of where you've entered this area. You are now in a maze with bloody sheets all over the place. Make your way around the maze (it's not a complicated maze) burning down the sheets, collecting a lot of Cadeaux in the process and unlocking the Big Head Cheat on the far end of the maze. When you have burned down all of the sheets, look for a ledge on the inner wall of the maze and climb up it to be atop the walls forming this maze. Go through the door up here, down the steps and enter a room with a big hut to your right. Enter the hut and listen up! Walk SLOWLY through the exit to this hut and look down into the pit of lava to spot another skin hut across the huge gap. You must get a running start and make a GIANT leap to the other side, don't jump until the last possible moment. Trust me, you do not want to die and make your way ALLLLL the way back up here. Across that bed of lava is the chamber where you will receive the Marcher Gads, so whatever you do dude, make this jump count. Punch yourself in the leg if you didn't make the jump and bitch and moan your way back into the hut to try again. When you drop off of the platform from where you get the Marcher Gads, you'll see an orange lake of lava ahead of you. Now that you have this cool tattoo on your back and are feeling a little ballsy, jump that orange lava to collect two Cadeaux and go through the door to be in the room where the Govi is in the cage you need to pull the lever to raise the cage to get to it. If you're not feeling that ballsy after having to make your way back to this Gad chamber God knows how many times, go through the door to the left of this orange stuff and grab the 2 Cadeaux before entering it. Go through the tunnel and emerge in a lava pit and hit the switch on the
pillar in front of you to lower a Govi housing the next Dark Soul. Return to the Gad chamber and go through the door directly across this room, collecting 2 more Cadeaux, enter another lava pit and grab that Dark Soul inside of the cage on the other side of this room. Warp to the beginning of this temple. If you are following this walk through, you should be at shadow level 7, so you get to grab another goodie. Turn around and go into the tunnel and break down the Soul Gate just before the long skin bridge exiting this level to collect the Marteau. Go back into the temple you've just came from; make your way to the room with the giant pillar spilling blood, climb up it and jump into the corridor on the right. Climb the set of stairs to exit into a large room. Drop off of the ledge and activate the switch, hit it twice on the platform in the center of this room to make a wooden stick turn around the room allowing you easy access to the next switch. Climb the platform and shimmy your way to the switch, activate it to lower a statue head to reveal a Govi. Drop back down and hit the switch two more times; climb back up the platform and shimmy your way to the Dark Soul inside of the throbbing Govi. Do you remember all of the large statue rooms and the room where you had to pull a lever down to form a set of stairs leading to a Dark Soul? Return to those rooms and beat on all of the bongos with your Marteau to reveal secret stashes of Cadeaux. This temple is now conquered except for one lonely Dark Soul you need the Calabash to retrieve. The stone plate you have to bomb to get the last Govi is located at the bottom of the FIRST flight of stairs leading INTO the temple. Warp to the beginning of the temple and cross the long skin bridge exiting this level. Go to your left and down the tunnel next to the wooden scaffold to a Soul Gate that requires a shadow level of 7 to break through. Do so to receive the La Lame, the last piece of the L'Eclipser knife that will allow you to become Shadow Man in Liveside. It's about friggin time, isn't it? Warp to the Temple of Life. Damn this level was super long. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - WASTELAND: TEMPLE OF LIFE - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 2 DARK SOULS (MARCHER GADS REQUIRED) - 2 CADEAUX Enter the temple and go slam your Baton into the altar; go offer 100 Cadeaux to God Loa for the next notch on your life meter to finally go orange. Warp back to the altar at the beginning of the temple and drop down into the lava, then follow the tunnel in front of the altar. Make a right, then another right at the end of the lava, through the narrow corridor and go past the large stone platform with a Cadeaux on the side of it. Collect the other Cadeaux on the other two platforms in this room and go back down the narrow corridor through the lava you've just came from. When you get to a waffle grate in the lava, climb out to the left of it, avoiding the fire balls, then run down the corridor and drop into the next lava area with two waffle grates. Run past the spiked platform, through an archway on the right for a Dark Soul on a ledge to the left. Drop back down into the lava and head left for another Govi housing a Dark Soul. Now warp to the church in the Bayou to talk with Mamma Nettie if you've found the three pieces to the L'Eclipser to fulfill the prophecy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- - BAYOU PARADISE, LOUISIANA - ---------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED - SHOTGUN - 8 DARK SOULS (L'ECLIPSER REQUIRED) - 15 CADEAUX (INCLUDING ONES YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR) After the really intense cut scene, grab the two Dark Souls next to Agnetta's sleeping body. She'll remain in a coma for the rest of the game so obviously you can't talk to her anymore. Exit the church and waste a couple of now skinless Rotts. Go past the large square platform to the left of the church and slam your Baton into the altar behind this platform to enter a hut with a throbbing Govi and some Cadeaux. Warp back into the graveyard via the altar. That large square platform in front of this altar is where you will receive the last Dark Soul and 4 Cadeaux in this Bayou once you have found the Calabash to bomb a hole in it, don't forget about it! You must place the Calabash ON TOP of the square plate to bomb a hole in it, not on the side of it. Go into the back of the cemetary, behind the church, to a locked tomb with a Cadeaux in front of it. Blow the lock off of the tomb, enter it and drop into the river below by the danger signs. Swim forwards and eventually walk knee deep through the water onto a wooden platform. Swim into the tunnel straight ahead of you, not the one on the right, grab the Cadeaux and swim down the tunnel, then climb a couple of ledges to a rope. Shimmy your way across and enter the two buildings for Cadeaux and the next Dark Soul. Shimmy back across the rope and swim back up the river, then through the tunnel on the left just before the wooden platform to emerge in a lake with boat houses to your left and right, collecting the Cadeaux along the way. Swim to the boat house on the right, grab the Cadeaux behind it, then enter it for the Shotgun and a Dark Soul. Go into the other boat house to the right of this one and follow the path out of it into a tunnel collecting another Cadeaux. Drop down the ledges and follow the path, climb up the ledge and follow the inclining path to a Cadeaux. Drop down and walk up the incline, under a bridge and into a tunnel with a Dark Soul for you to add to your vast collection. Make your way back towards Nettie's church, to the boat tipped on its side. Shoot the planks off of the door on the side of the boat, enter and drop down into a room with three Cadeaux. Walk up the tunnel to receive your last Dark Soul in this Bayou until you find the Calabash. On the way to Nettie's church, there is a small house you can enter by shooting the barrels for some Cadeaux. Warp to Asylum: Gateway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - DARK SOUL HUNT - This next section of the walkthrough is for all the Dark Souls that can be collected now that you have the Marcher Gads burned onto your back. There's a BUNCH of them, 17 to be exact, two of them you need the Calabash to retrieve. We will bounce to numerous levels in this section, finishing most of them off completely, never to return if you've been following this guide. ------------------- - ASYLUM: GATEWAY - ------------------- -- 5 DARK SOULS TO BE COLLECTED - 8 CADEAUX Kill the 2 Sniper Hogs and drop into the lava to the right of the draw bridge. Walk into the next room across the lava to grab some Cadeaux in the barrels and the Dark Soul not far from them. Walk up the super long inclining corridor just past the Govi and hang a left at the top to grab some more Cadeaux and the Dark Soul throbbing inside of the Govi. Return down the corridor to a yellow room, hang a left and enter a room with a barrel ahead of you and a wooden catwalk to your right, ignore it (the catwalk). Enter the corridor to the left of the barrel ahead of you onto a wooden catwalk for more Cadeaux and yet another sweet, sweet Dark Soul. Return to the wooden catwalk you just ignored and follow it through a doorway with a Govi on a crate to the left of the next doorway. DO NOT jump down to that Dark Soul yet, go through the doorway and follow the catwalk straight ahead for a Dark Soul. Return to the previous room and grab that Cadeaux on the beam. There is a small yellow room on the right with Cadeaux inside of it. Now return to the Govi atop the crate, collect the Dark Soul to meet the quota for this level and then warp to the Cathedral of Pain. ----------------------------- - ASYLUM: CATHEDRAL OF PAIN - ----------------------------- -- 1 DARK SOUL TO BE COLLECTED - DEADSIDE SHOTGUNS CHEAT - 11 CADEAUX From the warp, turn around and go back to the Trolley that brought you into this Cathedral and drop into the lava far below. Walk through the lava until you get to a fork and go either way, grab the Cadeaux under the pipe with spinning blades. Go through the corridor on the right of this pipe to another pipe with spinning blades. Pull yourself up and walk under the pipe, then climb to the top of it and run across it collecting some more Cadeaux. When you're safely across the pipe, go down the corridor on the right and climb the stairs to the last throbbing Govi in this level. Return to the stairs and go into the room across from this one for even more Cadeaux. Climb the next set of stairs to a square beam with some Cadeaux on it; drop down the square hole to activate the Deadside Shotguns Cheat. Warp to the Fire Temple. ---------------------------- - TEMPLE OF FIRE (TOUCHER) - ---------------------------- -- 3 DARK SOULS TO BE COLLECTED Run into the temple and make your way into the second booby trapped room with swinging hammers. Drop into the lava down below and collect the 2 Cadeaux in the pots. From those pots, go into the corridor on the right into a room with a big wooden scaffold with 4 platforms of spinning scythes. Climb the scaffold and jump into a cubby hole to activate a switch to reveal a fiery block you can push in. Walk up the scaffold to the corridor where the fiery block is and jump into it, push the block in and walk down the stairs to a Dark Soul. Return to the lava pit and go into the other corridor down there to enter a room with a stone platform with a wooden walkway going up the room. Collect the Cadeaux in the room on the left where the sister is sleeping and then ascend the walkway to collect Cadeaux and the next Dark Soul at the top. If you are following this walk through, you should've just got promoted to shadow level 8 and have 71 Dark Souls. To get the last Dark Soul in this temple, go into the first room with spinning scythes and bomb the square plate with the Calabash once you have it. Drop into the hole for 2 Cadeaux and push the fiery blocks in all the way to the top to reach the Govi. Swim around the lava lakes in this temple for Cadeaux once you have the Nager Gads, I'm not going to remind you, DON'T FORGET if you want a full life meter. The Cadeaux's are located in the FIRST set of lava you can swim in. In the second set of lava you can swim in, look for a tunnel that leads to a room with swinging hammers. Collect the Cadeaux in this room and then the Cadeaux in the room with the maze. A couple of Cadeaux's are on top of the walls that form the maze. Warp to Asylum: Cageways -------------------- - ASYLUM: CAGEWAYS - -------------------- -- 5 DARK SOULS TO BE COLLECTED - 8 CADEAUX Drop into the lava pit in front of the train and go up the stairs to the left. When you get to a door, go into the room to the left of it to spot two Govi's atop 2 ledges. Jump onto the moving platforms, collecting Cadeaux on the top of the slopes, and make your way to the other side of the room. Climb the stairs and pull the lever on the console to make a cage start moving across a cable. Grab the Dark Soul below the room with the console and then shimmy the cable WITH the cage to get to the other cacoon housing the Dark Soul. Return to where you've first entered this room and go through the door, then another one, to enter a room with a door in front of you and one to the left. Go through the door ahead of you into a yellow room. Go left to enter a large room with pipes going into numerous platforms. Climb the crate in the back of the room and jump to that other platform with a single Cadeaux atop it. It's a pain in the ass to get to, just have patience and keep trying if you wish to snag it. From the platform you can access by climbing the crate, shimmy the rope across for some Cadeaux and your next Dark Soul. From the Dark Soul, jump onto that U-shaped pipe to your left, then onto a green platform and a corridor with a wooden floor in front of you. Jump into the cage on the left of the corridor to grab another Dark Soul, it may take you a few attempts to snag this baby, jump at an angle. Or you can just grab the thin ledge and shimmy to the front of the cage and then kick yourself into the cage. Go into the corridor with the wooden floor and emerge into a room with Cadeaux and the last Govi in the Cageways area. Warp to the Playrooms. --------------------- - ASYLUM: PLAYROOMS - --------------------- -- 2 DARK SOULS TO BE COLLECTED - 3 CADEAUX Kill the Sniper Hog and go straight into a corridor and hang a right. Keep going straight, (the door on the left takes you to the room with the Violator), through a couple of doors; then through a corridor with a blood puddle to enter a room with a console on the right wall. To your left should be a Giant Zombie running around the room just past the fence. If he is still caged, then you didn't pull the lever on the console I told you to the first time you came into this level. You are pretty much screwed and have to scan the page ALL the way back up there because I'm not typing in all that crap again. Pull the lever on the console and go through the door in front of it for Cadeaux. Jump into the lava in this room and pull yourself up into the wooden corridor. Go LEFT at the fork to drop down into the room to collect a Dark Soul. It is not necessary to pull the lever on the console in here, go ahead if you want to. Pull yourself back up into the wooden corridor, go straight to the SECOND right and drop down to fight the Giant Zombie. Put up your Enseigne and give him your best shot, quite a few of them that is! Grab the last Dark Soul of this freaked out level he leaves as a parting gift and go talk to Jaunty for a new cut scene, then warp to the Cathedral of Pain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - CATHEDRAL OF PAIN - --------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED - 11 CADEAUX If you are following this walkthrough, you're probably getting very ansy and are wondering when in the hell you'll get to kick some serial killer ass, right? Well, let's go into the prison facility to kick three of their asses and steal their Dark Souls hidden within them. This Cathedral is kind of hard to put into words, so here is a little map for it. It should've gone in the first section WAY above, but I thought it would be more convienent down here. ---------- A ----------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B C ! ! ! ! D E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ---------- F ----------- - MAP LEGEND - - A: This corridor leads to the Lizard King Schism Trace going into the Gardelle County Jail. You need a Retractor to rip and hold this unfortunate souls rib cage open to be sucked in through the trace. - B: This is the corridor that leads to Jack the Ripper in Down st. Station, London and requires a Retractor to get sucked into the trace. - C: This corridor leads to the Repo Man from Hawaii Five-0 in the Gardelle Jail and doesn't require a Retractor to enter the trace. - D: This corridor leads to the fat bastard in the Gardelle Jail and doesn't require a Retractor to go through. - E: This corridor leads to Mordant st., NY and the Home Improvement Killer, it requires a Retractor to open. - F: Enterance to the Cathedral. All of the corridors lead to a set of stairs with Cadeaux on them leading up to the Schism Traces. Grab all of the Cadeaux and check out this really off the wall Cathedral. When you're done exploring and having fun, go into corridor "A" and head up the stairs to a torso with his arms outstreched and held up by chains. This has to be the freakiest, whackiest thing I've seen in this game, it reminds me of the Hellraiser movies. Now that would be a kick ass game, wouldn't it? Run around as Pinhead instead of Shadow Man doing sick, nasty things like you're doing now, hell yeah! Rip open this dudes rib cage with a Retractor and hit the action button to get sucked into the trace to enter the JUMBO sized prison facility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - GARDELLE COUNTY JAIL - ------------------------ -- THE HEAP OF ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - PRISON KEY CARD - 3 DARK SOULS - 3 ACCUMULATORS - 1 PRISM - PEA SOUP CHEAT - PLAY AS A DOG CHEAT - SHOTGUN - MP-909 - 0.9-SMG Get ready for another long level, this prison facility is pretty big and there are a TON of things to do while you're in here. You'll start off in a room with an annoying siren whailing and what seems to be a riot in the background. Dead guards are lying all around this room and as you proceed into a corridor ahead of you, you'll spot some odd paintings on the walls. Hang a right and the headless guards will come to life. Waste them and hang a left at the next corridor to enter a large, square room with 2 barrels ahead of you and prison cells, some locked and others aren't. Go into the cell left of the enterance for a Cadeaux. From this cell, go right, through a hole in the wall to enter a courtyard. Go into the guard house at the end of this courtyard to grab the Prison Key Card which is conviently still grasped in some guards chopped off hand. Slide it into the console you've found it in to unlock a previously locked door. Return to the large square room with cells and go down the corridor by the 2 barrels, collecting the Cadeaux inside of them. You will hear a Helicoptor and eventually wind up in a courtyard with it flying overhead shooting at you. I don't know if you can destroy it, I never tried and I don't think I ever will. It's relatively harmless unless you're just standing around in la-la land. To your left is a caged stairwell. To your right is a locked cell door and a corridor leading to another locked cell door. Go up the caged stairwell on the left and a stairwell going down will be on the left. Walk around the catwalk to the guard house if you're interested in a Cadeaux. Head down the stairs from the top of the ones you've just climbed. Go down the corridor to the right of the stairs and just before the locked door, you will see a console you must slide your new found card through. Do so and run into the corridor directly ahead of this one, through the courtyard with the Chopper, down the next corridor and then the next corridor on the right to activate the Pea Soup Cheat. Continue along, grab the Cadeaux behind the door/cage, and eventually enter a large corridor with 2 barrels and some dead guards to the right. Go to the left, into the shower room for some Cadeaux. Don't pick up the dropped soap, lol! Head towards the barrels, grab the Cadeaux in them and continue up the stairs to enter another courtyard. Grab the Cadeaux in the two corners and go into the guard house and slide your card into the slot on the console. Head back down the corridors you've just walked through to eventually come to a fork where you can go right. Do so and go down this corridor to fight the Repo Man. You can also get to this 70's style dork from corridor "C" in my map to the Cathedral of Pain above. After the little cinema, pause the game, turn up the volume on your TV and jam to the best tune in the entire game. Do the electric boog- a-loo and have a groovy time. NOT! I think I saw this douchebag on an old episode of Hawaii Five-0, with them brown polyester pants and Hawaiian shirt he's wearing, what a dweeb! Check out that stylin' hat! Good sense of humor Acclaim. This guy is really easy to defeat. Hide behind some crates in the room to make him come down the stairs into the courtyard. When he does, run up the stairs to grab the MP-909 on a desk to rip him a new ass for making fun of your deceased family. Go back down stairs or kick his ass from the catwalk above the courtyard. Blast away at him with whatever you wish and when he drops to his knees and turns zombie, blast him with the Shadowgun to finish him off to grab the Dark Soul he leaves behind, then grab the single Cadeaux ontop of a crate and refill on ammo and health. Go up the stairs where you've found the Uzi and head down the stairs into a corridor with 2 locked cell doors along the left wall. Proceed to a console on the wall and slide the Prison Card through it to open up a cell you've just passed. Go into that cell, grab the Cadeaux in the corner, and proceed into the kitchen to witness some "crazy shit going on down here," I'll have to agree. Climb through a hole in the ceiling in the back of this kitchen into a room with 3 Air Hockey tables. Grab the Cadeaux just before the hole and drop into the next courtyard. Slide your key card into the console in the guard house and make your way all the way back to the Chopper flying around the courtyard. Go up the caged stairwell and then left to enter a previously locked door to a Schism Trace with green lights on the wall. If the door is locked, then you missed a console somewhere, ha ha! Have no fear if it is locked, you can enter this part of the prison from corridor "D" in my map above to the Cathedral of Pain. Proceed to fight the Video Nasty Killer. This guy is a lot tougher than the Repo Man I tell you, it may take several attempts to take this fat bastard out. He is a really good shot with that Machine Gun he's totting around so take cover behind anything you can to defeat this fat, red-kneck, racist, scum bag pig! Blast away at him with some .9mm rounds and when he drops to his knees and goes zombie, finish him off with your Shadowgun to grab the Dark Soul he will leave behind as a parting gift. Try to get behind him to kill him REALLY easy. Go up the stairs in this room to the fenced in catwalk above to refill on ammo and such, and grab that Cadeaux near the hole and drop back down into the area below. Follow the blue striped corridor you are now in to a rusty door on the right wall. Shoot the lock off of it and enter the small closet to grab an Accumulator. This will allow you to grab the Violator in the Playrooms when you have two more. Continue down the corridor to come across the 0.9-SMG. At the end of this corridor is an elevator shaft you must drop down to enter the Insanity Ward of this prison facility leading to the Lizard King. Walk down the long yellow striped corridor, past a locked door on the left, then past a green striped corridor on the right to a console you must slide your key card through to open the locked door you've just passed. Enter that previously locked door to collect Cadeaux and activate the Play as a Dog Cheat inside one of the padded cells. Walk up the stairs to some more padded cells for Cadeaux, ther's also a Cadeaux behind the cage at the top of the stairwell. Go back down the stairs and enter the green striped corridor. Go right, down the corridor collecting 2 Cadeaux and ignore the next right, it just takes you back to the padded cells. Head into the Chapel on the left for the next Accumulator. Exit the Chapel and search the small rooms to the left and right of it to slide your card through another console. Return to the first green corridor you get to via the long yellow one entering this Insanity Ward. Enter the door into the prison Morgue on the left wall to collect the second Shotgun. Exit this room and go left, down the "Death Walk," a shiny steel corridor, to meet the Lizard King who, ironically, is sitting in the Electric Chair. You'll also get a warp signal and get to watch yet another funny cut scene. This guy is absolutely NOTHING to fear. Just stay far away from him and nail him with both Machine Guns. When he goes zombie and drops to his knees, I think you know how to obtain his Dark Soul, he will also leave behind a Prism when you kill him. Wasn't he a serious wimp? I thought he would knock my ass through a loop considering the theme song for this level and all that smack he was talking. I guess if you got the brains, you don't have any balls. He was shivering in his frilly little panties allright. Pull your card through the console to the left of the "chair" and walk down the rusty corridor next to it and place your Prism into the slot to break through that Soul Gate to shut down Piston #4. To receive the last Accumulator in this prison, you must have the Calabash. Go through schism "A" in my map to the Cathedral of Pain. In the first room with the super annoying sirens in the background, there is a picture on the right wall of a stair-like Pyramid with an eye in the middle. Shoot the painting with your Shadowgun and go down the stairs to find a big square plate to bomb with the Calabash, do so and drop down the hole for the Accumulator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ASYLUM: ENGINE BLOCK - ------------------------ -- SHUTTING DOWN PISTON #4: - 6 DARK SOULS You are now in a large yellow room with a huge, locked steel door in front of you and two Engineer Key consoles to your left and right. Go slip your arm into the slots to open up the gigantic steel door. Walk down the wide corridor and then go up the narrow one on the right, eventually walking into another yellow room. Pull the lever on the console in this room to release two Giant Zombies and go grab the Dark Souls they have within them. Go into the back of the room and use your Engineer's Key on the console to make a door above you open. To get to it, climb the crates onto the top of the zombie cages and jump across them all to grab a black beam and shimmy it to the door you've just opened up. Head through this wooden corridor and drop into a tunnel with a pipe above you with spinning blades. Go up the corridor to the right, walk across the top of the pipe into another yellow room. Use the Engineer's Key to proceed down another wooden corridor to drop into a room with a caged Giant Zombie to your left, and an incline going into a yellow room on the right. Head up the incline to release the zombie and collect yourself another Dark Soul. After you've snagged it, go up into the yellow room and pull the lever on the console to make a red Trolley appear in the room below you. Hop on board to ride deeper into this Hell Hole. Exit the Trolley and go through the door BEHIND it to grab 2 Goviless Dark Souls and some nerds will be shooting Machine Guns at you. Go up the incline past the Trolley and activate the two consoles to your left and right and grab the last Dark Soul in this area by killing another 20 foot freak-a-zoid. Go into the wooden corridor at the top of the incline and through a few more rooms to reach the puple jelly filled tubes. The combination for shutting down this piston is 2 - 4 - 5. You should know what to do. Warp to Temple of Prophecy. Turn around and exit the long skin bridge exiting this level and climb the wooden scaffold with three Soul Gates at the top. Bust down the one you have to be at shadow level 8 for to enter the Temple of Blood, grabbing a Cadeaux just before the bridge entering the temple. The shadow level 7 Soul Gate takes you to the Lava Ducts and the shadow level 9 Soul Gate takes you to Undercity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- - TEMPLE OF BLOOD (NAGER) - --------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - NAGER GADS - CALABASH - 8 DARK SOULS - BLOOD SHOT CHEAT If you had difficulty completing the Temple of Prophecy and thought it was kind of hard to figure out, you haven't seen nothing yet! This temple is a real bitch to collect all of the items hidden within it. This level will piss you off something FIERCE, fair warning. Remember that jump you had to make to get the Marcher Gads? Put it this way, most of the jumps are about just as far as that one! Be prepared to start this level over and over and over and over again. And over again some more, this isn't Zelda kids! Walk down the tunnel, past the large stone pillars to a wall with two statue heads above it and a fiery block on the right wall. Hit the switch on the right by the fiery block to lower a statue and enter the temple. There's nothing behind that fiery block so don't worry about it. When you emerge into a room with a sea of lava and a Govi inside of a cage in front of you, slide down the slope in front of you to get the warp signal. To your left and right along the sloped wall are ledges with Cadeaux on them. To do anything in this temple and make things WAY easier for you, you need the Nager Gads so let's go get them. Jump to the platform with the caged Govi and make a super leap to the switch on the right of the enterance to lower the statue above it. Fall into the lava and kill yourself, it's way easier than jumping back to the start of the level where you have to be. Jump along the small ledges to the right and shimmy the thin ledge to where the statue just lowered and head down the stairs to emerge into a room with a swinging hammer and a platform going up and down into the lava on your right. Jump onto the platform going up and down, then to the non-moving platform on the right. Jump the next couple of platforms to one with a corridor on the right. Go down it, at the end will be a statue head in front of you blocking the way. Go to the right of the statue head and hit a switch to make a big hammer drop from the ceiling, which will hit a pillar to form a path to the left of the switch below you. Ignore it and go to the last lava room you were in with the platform moving up and down. Jump down from the non-moving platform in between the two booby traps going in and out of the wall just aching to push you into the lava. Run past them and jump to that switch in the corner via the platform to the left of it. Turn around and jump your way to the skin door at the other end of this sea of lava, avoiding the numerous booby traps. When you get to the next room with the orange lava, jump to the right wall and shimmy your way through the spinning scythes, being VERY carefull not to let them hit you, they'll knock you into the lava if they do. When you're at the end of the ledge, DROP off the wall, (just press down), don't kick yourself back or you'll land in the lava. Go through the door to enter a hallway with a sleeping sister and spikes jabbing through the floor. Run to the end of this hallway, hit the switch to wake the sister up and then head through the right of where the hoe was sleeping. Shimmy the rope in this room and DO NOT let the spinning scythes hit you or you'll plunge to a horrible death. Turn the camera angle from side to side while you shimmy, this will make things much, much easier for you. When safely across, head through the doors to be in a room with the kind of lava you can walk in. Drop down and run straight ahead to the Govi and grab the next purple worm soul. Go into the tunnel across from the Dark Soul and emerge into a room with a sea of lava, a wooden platform leading to a switch, and the Nager Gad ring hanging way above. To lower it down to get the next tattoo, hit the switch on the wooden catwalk and then the next four by jumping the platforms in the lava. They sink about as fast as a waffle grate so make your jumps count. By the way, each switch will release a super tough thong maiden to piss on your parade so be on guard. Enter the ring to get the Nager Gads, whoo-hoo! Damn dude, Acclaim didn't want anybody to collect these bad boys. Pain in the ass or what? If you get really aggrivated and want to shut the game off, make sure you save your game if you've lowered the Nager ring so you don't have to lower it again when you decide to give it another shot. Once you finally do get the Gads, bust out the Champaigne and celebrate, you definitely deserve it after those numerous attempts and migraine headaches you got trying to get these. Now that you have the Nager Gads, go into the Lava Ducts if you're following this guide to assure that you will be at shadow level 9 to collect the Calabash further in this temple so you can wipe both levels off completely! Or just snag a few Dark Souls in the ducts and return here, it's totally up to you. Now that you're at shadow level 9 and have the Nager Gads, let's proceed. From the warping point, drop into the sea of lava to grab that Dark Soul inside of the cage. You can also get this Dark Soul as soon as you drop out of the Nager Gad ring. After you've snagged it, hit the switch to the left of this cage to make a statue lower above it, grab the Cadeaux and shimmy the upper ledge to the statue you've just lowered. Pull yourself up and head down the stairs onto a wooden catwalk. Drop down, find the switch and then turn around. Notice the four doors and how three of them are blocked? Hit the switch to make the wooden wheel turn so that the door on the RIGHT from where you've entered this room is open. Go through it and activate the switch at the end to lower a large pillar in another room. Return to the switch below and keep hitting it so the door on the LEFT of where you entered this room is open, go through it and drop into a room with a blood fall. Climb it to grab some Cadeaux, then drop down and go left, push the square block in and go into another room with a blood fall; climb it for Cadeaux and jump to the Dark Soul. Drop down and go through the corridor to the right of the blood fall, ignore the left turn and hit the switch straight ahead to extend a rope. Now go up the corridor you've just ignored, through numerous spinning scythes to a pit with Cadeaux; then shimmy across the rope for your next Dark Soul. Drop into the lava below and look for a switch. There are two switches down here, one lowers the lava and one raises it. Make it raise so you can obtain the next Dark Soul on the ledge high above. From the last Dark Soul, drop off of the ledge and go through the door to be in a room with two blood falls and the kind of lava you can walk in; climb the blood falls for the Cadeaux on the wooden ledges. Go through the door opposite from where you entered this room to be in the room where you had to shimmy across a rope, avoiding the numerous spinning scythes. Jump into the lava below and search for Cadeaux on the bottom. Pull yourself out, run through the spiked corridor and enter the next room where scythes are spinning into the wall. Drop into the lava, search for Cardeaux on the bottom, and swim through the tunnel. Look for Cadeaux then pull yourself out and run along the ledges, avoiding even more spinning scythes, to grab another Dark Soul for your now super vast collection. Drop down into the room below the Govi and go through the door opposite from where you've entered this room. Drop into the lava next to the booby traps moving in and out of the wall, search for the Cadeaux on the bottom and pull yourself out near the big swinging hammer on the other side of this room. Jump onto the moving platform, then the ledges to the right of it, and go into the corridor to walk down to a statue. Turn right at the statue and hit that switch if you haven't yet to make a hammer drop a pillar next to you. Drop down and go onto the pillar and turn to your right halfway across the pillar. Jump into that room for a Cadeaux and to activate the Blood Shot Cheat. It's probably going to take you numerous attempts to get the cheat, just tap your jump button and make a baby leap to get into the room. When you've finally gotten the cheat, go into the corridor on the left at end of the knocked over pillar to enter a room with eight square, stone plates in the floor. Hit the 2 switches to your left to make two statues lower. Warp to the beginning of the temple and make your way back to the swinging hammer room with a pillar moving up and down, and go up to the corridor that was previously blocked by a statue head. Go into the tunnel on the right and break through the Soul Gate to receive the Calabash. Warp to the beggining of this temple and, once again, go into the room with a swinging hammer and make your way back to the statue and drop into the room below with the eight square plates in the floor. Use the Calabash on the plates to collect some more Cadeaux and to reveal two corridors in the pits. The one with the stairs leads to Cadeaux and the other corridor leads to a Dark Soul, warp to the beginning of the temple. Go into the door on the left to a spinning scythe, burn down a couple of sheets and enter a room with a caged Govi, some bongos, and a warp pedestal. Beat the bongos in this room with your Marteau, one of them you have to burn down a sheet for and the other one requires you to use the Baton on the pedestal. When to Gong sounds and you've opened up the way, climb the stairs and break the square plate above the caged Govi to obtain the last Dark Soul in this screwed up temple. There is a square plate you can bomb with the Calabash just outside the temple for some Cadeaux. Don't forget about those few Dark Souls I mentioned above that you need the Calabash for. Go get those few right now so you don't forget about them. One's in the Bayou, one's in the Temple of Fire, and the other one is in the Temple of Prophecy. Don't forget about the Accumulator in the prison you can obtain with the Calabash either or the Cadeaux in the Marrow Gates. Go talk to Jaunty again for another cut scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - ASYLUM: LAVA DUCTS - ---------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 9 DARK SOULS (NAGER AND MARCHER GADS REQUIRED) Break down the Soul Gate near the long skin bridge entering the Temple of Prophecy, the one that requires shadow level 7; walk through the tunnel to a long skin bridge with a Cadeaux in front of it to enter the Lava Ducts. I advise you to have the Nager Gads before coming into this level so you can knock it off and don't have to come back, it's a pretty short level and there's really no need to come back in here twice. There will be two large platforms to your left and right. Climb the ledges to the top of them and walk down the tunnel and go up the stairs at the end, go through the steel grated room to a large area of lava. Walk through the corridor on the right near the moving platform and pull yourself up into a yellow room. Climb the set of stairs to a Dark Soul and pull the lever on the console. Return to the large lava room down stairs and go down the corridor to the left of where you've entered the pit; run past an Engineer's Key console and hang a right down the next corridor. Pull yourself up into another yellow room and grab your next Dark Soul and pull the lever on the console. Return to the Engineer console and stick your arm in there to unlock two yellow doors, one above the console and the other across the lava. Enter the door above the console for Cadeaux and go into the other door for a Dark Soul in the far corner of the yellow room; pull the lever on the console while you're in here. Jump into the bloody room below and head up a few flights of stairs and pull the lever on the console to make a big machine start turning. Head up the stairs to get the warp signal; go through the corridor directly across the top of the stairs, then through a yellow room and into another one with 4 barrels with Cadeaux on the crates. Jump back over the railing and head left, through another yellow room to an area with a lava pit below and a lava channel leading to two barrels with Cadeaux in them. After grabbing the Cadeaux, grab the one on the pipe to the right. Return to the room where you received the warp signal. Jump onto the moving platform and ride the slow moving thing to a Govi and some Cadeaux. Return to the platform and ride it to a caged set of stairs leading down and be sure to grab that Cadeaux before you descend those flight of stairs. Go through this wooden corridor to a room with a bloody floor and stacks of crates. Go left, then up the stairs into a room with a sloped wall and yellow platforms to the right. Go into the room ahead of you for some Cadeaux and then climb the yellow platforms to the top, collecting a few more Cadeaux along the way. It's a pain in the ass to get up there but once you do, run under the pipe with spinning blades, pull yourself up and run across the top of the pipe for some more Cadeaux. Ignore the wooden corridor ahead of you and go left to find a lonely Cadeaux atop a pipe. Jump to it and then leap back to the ledge you're on. Run all the way to the right of the pipe and jump to the crates below, and then a few more, to grab the next Dark Soul. I feel sorry for you if you didn't land on top of the crates. Warp to the beginning of this level and drop into the lava and look for a tunnel down here, there's two of them. Go into the one that DOESN'T fork off into another tunnel and pull yourself out. Use your Engineer's Key in the console inside of the wooden room to make a door open above you. Climb through it and head through the corridor, down some stairs to the next throbbing Govi. Return to the lava and look for the tunnel that DOES fork off and climb out, don't swim down the fork yet! Stick your arm into the slot in the wooden room and climb up through the hole in the floor. Go up the flight of stairs into a room with large stacks of crates, climb them for Cadeaux and jump over the railing and head down the wooden corridor on the right to the next Dark Soul and even more Cadeaux. Return to the fork under the lava and swim down the tunnel to the right and emerge into another round room with a spinning platform. Look for the two tunnels down here and repeat what you have been doing with your Engineer's Key to collect the last two Dark Souls and few Cadeaux in the ducts. It's not hard at all to find them. If you can't, you must be retarded. Warp to the Temple of Life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - WASTELAND: TEMPLE OF LIFE - ----------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 2 DARK SOULS (NAGER GADS REQUIRED) Enter the temple and drop into the lava in front of the warp altar. Go into the tunnel and turn right, pull yourself out of lava near the waffle grate and drop into the lava channel with two waffle grates. Follow the tunnel past a spiked platform and go through the archway to the left of it. Dive into the sea of lava and grab the Cadeaux on the bottom, then grab the Dark Soul on the platform and the single Cadeaux in the hallway near the Dark Soul. Swim across the lava and go through the doorway and turn right. Push in that fiery block for the last Dark Soul in this area. If you've been exploring, you should've found this soul a LOOOONG, LOOOONG time ago! Warp to the Cathedral of Pain and go down corridor "B" in my map to the Cathedral above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- - DOWN st. STATION, LONDON - ---------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 1 PRISM - 1 DARK SOUL - 1 ACCUMULATOR - INVISIBLE MAN CHEAT As soon as you exit the schism, grab Jack's Journal and the two Cadeaux in this room; take a peak at this freaky little journal. Head through the door and go down the stairs to enter a sewer, damn it's musty down here! Go right until the next right turn and grab the Cadeaux at the turn; head towards the circular pool and dive into the raw sewage. Swim through the tunnel to emerge into another section of the sewer. Walk down the tunnel and climb the ledge to the left and follow the corridor to a room with a winding stair case. Go up it and through a couple of doors to enter a large room. Go through the door straight ahead of you to enter a green/black tiled floor area. Look for the bathroom in here and enter it to activate the Invisible Man Cheat. Return to room with a tan floor and go right, down the set of stairs and collect the Cadeaux in the corner; follow the corridor to a room with Zombie Dogs and you'll get the warp signal. Damn, enough mutts running around for you? Go down the corridor on the right and go down another flight of stairs; into a tunnel with a subway car. Enter it for Cadeaux and exit through the other side and head through the door on the left. Go down the corridor to a Down st. Station sign, go right for a Cadeaux in the corner. Go into the room with the large crate and push it aside and head down corridor to a room with a big pipe; drop down into the corridor below. Go straight and step on one of the discolored squares to drop into the room below for some Cadeaux. Return to the room above and climb the ledge, and then the next one over the pit. Drop into the sewage and swim through the tunnel, surface to pull a lever on the console in front of you. Go through the door and enter the red one you've just opened to an elevator and press your action button to ride it down. Exit into a tiled tunnel and walk through it to a large room and shoot the crates out to your right and enter that train car for some more Cadeaux. Shoot the crates out of the way opposite the ones you just shot and follow the tunnel to another train car with Cadeaux inside! Walk back down the tunnel and spot some boards you must shoot to your left. Do so and come across yet another train car with you know what's inside of it. Exit the box car through the other door and go right, and then through the corridor on the left to another large pipe you must drop down. Swim through the raw sewage into the tunnel and pull yourself out near an angled pipe you must jump onto. Do so and shimmy the red ledge to the right; pull yourself up and collect another Cadeaux. Jump to the pipe across the way and shimmy the next red ledge all the way to the right and kick yourself back onto a platform. Go down the corridor and drop off a couple of ledges and head left to a door with a lock on it. Blow it off and enter another green/black tiled room. Blow the wooden beams off to the right to proceed into another elevator. Exit the elevator and enter a room with a green brick corridor ahead of you and a tan floor to your left. Go down the brick corridor and pull the lever on the console. Drop onto the platform going across the room and pull yourself into the corridor across from the one you've just dropped out of; head through a couple of doors into a room with a blood stained carpet. Enter the next room with a blood stained bed (I don't want to know what went on in here), and enter the next room to get an Accumulator, whoo-hoo! Exit this room and go up the green walkway and down the corridor to an elevator; take it down and jump into some more shit water. When you come to a spinning blade on the way down, follow it into the wall for some Cadeaux (would you've ever guessed?) and swim to the bottom; through the tunnel and grab the Cadeaux on the bottom of the next room. Return to the elevator and take it up, exit and then jump into more smelly water on the left of where the spinning blades are. Grab the Cadeaux in the alcoves the blades are spinning into; swim through the tunnel down here and surface to pull a lever on a console to make the blades stop spinning. Return through the tunnel and pull yourself out to the left and walk up the corridor to meet Jack the Ripper. This dude is pretty tough to beat. He will crawl along the ceiling and drop onto your head to stab the living shit out of you, and then jump back up onto the ceiling REALLY QUICK! Run into the long corridors and turn around and look at the ceiling. When he turns the corner, blast him to pieces with your Violator (you did go and get it by now, didn't you?), when he drops to his knees and goes zombie, finish him off with your Shadowgun to get a Prism and his Dark Soul. Find the room where the pillars are connected to eachother in the middle of the room. Run into the corridor in this room and go put the Prism in place to enter the Soul Gate and go shut down Piston #2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ASYLUM: ENGINE BLOCK -
------------------------ -- SHUTTING DOWN PISTON #2 - 3 DARK SOULS Walk forwards down the big red incline and go into the yellow room on the left and stick your arm into the console. Go through the door, and walk through a wooden corridor to drop into a room. Head left and stick your arm in the next console to open a door in front of you. Drop into the lava and follow the pipe to a moving platform and ride it across the room. Jump off and go into a wooden corridor and then head right to drop into a room to unleash another 20 foot freak-a-zoid and snag yourself another Dark Soul, the Violator will tear him a new ass! Go through the door and down the rusted corridor to another caged freak and take his Dark Soul as well. Go through the door and up the rusted corridor into another room with a Giant Zombie. Kill him to grab the last Dark Soul on this level for now. Climb the cage and jump to the metal walkway and follow it up to that idiot sniping you. Go down the wooden corridor at the top of this room to eventually end up in a room with the three purple jelly filled tubes and a big number 2 on the wall. The combination is 1 - 2 - 4. Warp to the Temple of Prophecy and exit the long skin bridge and climb the wooden scaffold to enter the shadow level 9 Soul Gate to enter Undercity, be sure to grab the Cadeaux just before the bridge leading there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - ASYLUM: UNDERCITY - --------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - RETRACTOR - 3 DARK SOULS - DUPPIE CHEAT Get ready for the dreariest level in the entire game, it's almost pitch black everywhere! This is, without a doubt, my favorite level in the game and I wish it was longer. Use the Flamebeau as a torch so you can see the way through this dark, spooky level. Walk forwards and kill all of the Slashers before you drop down to where they are. Proceed down the dark path on the right and enter a tower that will appear on the left for some Cadeaux. Exit the tower, head to the left and drop into a bloody pit and climb out on the other side. Follow the path and look for a bloody sheet to burn down for two Cadeaux. Keep following the path and it will fork to the left; go down it to receive the warp signal. Find another darkened path to the left and follow it into a courtyard with a rope going across it. Shimmy across the rope for Cadeaux and walk across the pipe for some more; jump to the nearby ledge to collect even more Cadeaux and enter a yellow room. Put on your Engineer's Key and stick your arm into the console and go through the door you'll open up to be on a ledge above another courtyard. Jump across the pipe to the other side where that Sniper Hog is and grab the Cadeaux on the ledge he's on. Jump to the nearby ledge for 2 more Cadeaux and go through the door. Climb the cage in this room for Cadeaux and jump across the boxes and railing for even more Cadeaux. Go down the corridor into a room with a stone catwalk and a large pipe going down the center of the room. Walk to the pipe and grab the Cadeaux on the cage and drop down to fight a giant freak! After you've received your first Dark Soul to this weird ass level, warp to the beginning of it. Pull yourself up on the ledge to the right and don't go through the door! Jump to the ledges on the right of the door and look for the "U" shaped pipe, jump towards it to activate the Duppie Cheat. Climb back up and jump to the pipe with the block on it; then make a GIANT leap to the ledge with the two barrels, inside of them are Cadeaux. This level is loaded with them, isn't it? Go through the door into a yellow room and into another one with a large pipe. Go down the stairs and stick your arm into the console to make blades start spinning on the pipe above you. Climb up to them and ride one to a wooden corridor; jump into it and enter a room with non-spinning propellers attached to a pipe. Drop down, grab the Cadeaux and then jump to the thin ledge around the pipe for three more! Drop off the ledge and once again put on your Engineer's Key and plug it into the console to make the blades start spinning. Climb up to the HIGHEST propeller and ride it to a wooden corridor you must jump into and drop into a yellow room. Go down the stairs and through the wooden corridor to reach another Govi housing a precious Dark Soul. Return to the LOWEST propeller and ride it to a wooden corridor; jump into it and drop into a yellow room. Ignore the spinning blades to your right and go through the door, then through another door on the left to enter the little Cathedral housing the last Retractor. Make sure you grab the Cadeaux in the little yellow room to the left of the staircase leading up to the Retractor. Return to the spinnig blades I told you to ignore and stick your arm into the console to make them stop spinning. Grab the Cadeaux on the square beam and drop down to get to the last Dark Soul and Cadeaux in this level. Warp to the Cathedral of Pain and go down corridor "E" in my map to the Cathedral above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - MORDANT st., NEW YORK - ------------------------- -- ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: - 1 DARK SOUL - 1 PRISM - 1 ACCUMULATOR - WIRE FRAME CHEAT - FLASHLIGHT Exit the schism and head left to a hole in the floor above you. The only enemies in this level are a lonely dog, skin and all, Avery Marx and two Shriekers, how dissapointing. This level is very scary. The atmosphere is so dreary it's not even funny. Climb up to the second floor and grab the 2 Cadeaux in the crates and head down the corridor and enter the main lobby of this apartment complex to meet the ever so freaky Avery Marx and get the warp signal. Now you have to find this geek which is kind of hard to do, be glad I'm here helping you out! First off, you need a Flashlight so you don't waste all of your magic carrying around the Flamebeau. The music is really spooky on this level, isn't it? Go in the corridor to the left of the elevator, by the broken stairs, and make your way through the corridors to a set of boards blocking the way into a room on the right. Blow them off and enter the room for the Flash light, you're going to need it for this very darkened level. Return to the main lobby and blow up the crates to the right and walk down the corridor to a lighted room; hang a left and enter the small bathroom on the left for a Cadeaux. Go into the room across from the bathroom and blow the lock off the steel door. Enter the small wood shed for more Cadeaux. Walk to a crate near the lonely Rott, push it and then shoot some more planks off of the door blocking your way. Grab the Cadeaux on the right and make your way into the bathroom and climb up to the second floor via the hole in the ceiling. Walk down the corridor to a crate on the left and push it in to grab some more Cadeaux. Go into the next room and shoot the crates for another Cadeaux; walk through the door and make your way through a couple of rooms and push the next crate in. Walk through a couple of more rooms, grabbing another Cadeaux, to wander upon a skin bird house (weird) and enter the corridor. Go right and search a couple of rooms for Cadeaux and eventually walk into a room with crates blocking your way. Shoot them and enter another corridor, head right and then through a door on the left to be on the balcony above the main lobby; grab the two Cadeaux and return to the corridor and go past the boarded up room for some more Cadeaux. Return to the boarded up room; blow off the planks and turn on the electricity. Return to the main lobby and ride the elevator up to the third floor. Exit and go left for a Cadeaux. Go right of the elevator, jump the hole in the balcony for yet another Cadeaux and go through the doorway. Make a left and jump over the slightly discolored boards to activate the Wire Frame Cheat just around the corner and collect the Cadeaux while you're at it. Turn around and make your way to a room with a hole in the floor; just beyond it is a corridor with wooden slats and no plaster on the walls. Jump the hole and walk down this long corridor, shooting lots of crates for Cadeaux, and you will eventually walk into a room; go through a couple of more rooms for an Accumulator. Go through the next few rooms and enter a bloddy corridor with a blood fall to your left. Go right for a Cadeaux, climb up the blood fall and make a left for a Cadeaux. Continue down the bloody corridor to eventually meet up with the freak again and get ready for an easy battle if you have the Violator. Avery appears in numerous spots and the battle field consists of bloody corridors and small rooms. Search the entire battle field for Cadeaux and when you see Marx, you know what to do by now; when he goes zombie, finish him off with your Shadowgun and grab his Dark Soul and the Prism he leaves behind. When he is dead, look for a room with no blood, two large beams and a whole bunch of crates. Look for another non-plastered corridor in this room and follow it to the Soul Gate and use your Prism to go and shut down the final piston in the Engine Block. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ASYLUM: ENGINE BLOCK - ------------------------ -- SHUTTING DOWN PISTON #3 - 2 DARK SOULS Did you grab the two Cadeaux behind the furnace before you entered this place? Pull the lever on the console to the right and walk up the incline to a rope you must shimmy across. When on the other side, go into the wooden corridor on the right to a room with two caged Giant Zombies. Drop down and plug your Engineer's Key into the console inside of the yellow room to unleash the beast's and grab their Dark Souls they leave behind. If you are following this walk through, you just got promoted to shadow level 10 and have all 120 Dark Souls, whoo- hoo! Walk down the rusty corridor and make your way to the last piston room and the combination is (drumroll please) 3 - 1 - 2. Now warp to the Marrow Gates and climb the blood fall behind the pillar at the start of the level; bust down the Soul Gate to receive the second Violator! If you're playing on the Play Station console, you'll get the Book of Shadows, WITH NO CHEATS IN IT, instead of a second Violator. I know, it sucks, hee-hee, haa-haa. Now warp to the Temple of Life to finally fill your life meter. If you didn't find all of the Cadeaux, I don't know what to tell you, I led you to ALL of them so don't whine to me if you don't have them all. You didn't explore the bottom of the places where you can swim or something, pay closer attention next time! Warp to the Asylum: Engine Block after you have a full life meter to FINALLY meet, and destroy, Legion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ASYLUM: ENGINE BLOCK - ------------------------ -- DESTROYING LEGION: Well dude, this is going to be your last task and it isn't a hard one so don't panic. Go through the center of the engine block where the pistons used to be pumping to run into your little brother once again. Run down the very long corridor Luke ran down, past a couple of caged Giant Zombies. Eventually you'll walk through a door to finally meet up with Lukey and you get to watch the most bugged out cut scene in the entire game, it's pretty long. This cut scene totally shocked me! When you fight Legion, whip out both of your Violator's and waste his sorry ass! He will then talk some more smack and turn into the Angel of Death and start flying around the room shooting homing souls at you. Pop that Slayer "Reign in Blood" CD in and crank track 1 up! Keep nailing him with both Violators for a while and finish him off with a Shadowgun/Violator combo to watch the most cheese ball ending I have ever witnessed. You have to finish Legion off with a Shadowgun round for all of you people who are "S-L-O-W" on the uptake if you know what I mean. Do you have any idea of how many e-mail's I've gotten from people who can't figure out how to kill Legion? Put down that hukkah and use you brains, I'm only refering to the "S-L-O-W" people. CONGRATULATIONS! Pat yourself on the back for finally conquering this very long and frustrating game and be sure to brag to all of your friends that you've beaten the game. Legion was a wimp, wasn't he? Don't tell me you died while fighting him. All of that FRUSTRATING work for THIS crappy ending? What the hell is that all about man? At least the final cut scene was really awesome. For a different ending, let Legion kill you and watch his minions take over the world, which is only about three seconds long.
Fabio Melo
Apr 26, 2021 2:11 pmYeah a great work but doesnt work om remastered. Remember that in remaster has 5 retractors: experiment rooms, cageways, playrooms, undercity and the last one that i dont find yet (yeah all of the five you need the retractor). The cadeaux has 166 more than the normal to go 10 channel life (i still dont understand why).
Gardelle Jail only have the lizard king. The another 2 have your own stage, and i think its done haha just change your title bro and good work.
May 23, 2021 2:57 pmThis is not for the remastered version.
Jun 11, 2022 6:06 pmnot for remastered as stated in comments. I can’t figure out how to get power level 4 any more lol, and you can’t just run in to a chamber and get the dagger anymore, there’s a new boss in the way.
Mike LR
Oct 21, 2022 11:38 amWeirdly insulting, bad confusing directions, not for the remastered version and oddly misogynistic in places? Did Jack the Ripper write this?