
Walkthrough Felix The Reaper

Felix The Reaper: Walkthrough

Felix is the protagonist of the game. He works in the Ministry of Death and takes the souls of the dead. His lover works at the Ministry of Life, and Felix hopes to see her.

Chapter 1. Where are you?


During the training, you will learn how to move around the cells, about the dangers of the sun and the ability to change the position of the sun. Hide behind the trees, get to the mortal, and then with him to the point where the spear should fall. Leave the mortal and see what happens.

Kill the deer

Move to the cell so that when the sun turns, hide behind a tree next to the hunter. Go to him and stop on the line with a deer. Move the sun, take the deer and take it to the desired point where the spear will fall. It is done!

Hang deer

Use the lever move the wagon to the bridge, get to the head of a deer and pick it up. Pull the same lever to cross the bridge and hang the deer’s head on a hook.

To be continued…

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